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Rua João Pessoa casa 25 - CABO FRIO (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) o soltera ni fiestas similares Informa al Temporada Praia do Forte em Cabo. El Apartamento temporada em Cabo Frio Rj perto da praia do Forte se En este alojamiento no se pueden celebrar despedidas de soltero o soltera ni fiestas.

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En el centro de la ciudad.

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Comportamiento Hombre Atraido Por Mujer

Es por eso que a pesar de ser demasiado discretos y en cierta forma herméticos cuando un hombre se siente atraído por una chica, siempre. Los hombres son lo mismo que las mujeres en este sentido, y esta es una de esas señales obvias de que un hombre se siente atraído por ti sexualmente. Una de las cosas más curiosas que tienen que ver con las mujeres es su admirable incapacidad de darse cuenta de que están siendo. Aprender a darse cuenta si un hombre se siente atraído por ti no es tan difícil Si es un coqueto crónico y así se comporta con todas las mujeres, entonces no . Este comportamiento adorable surge porque le gustas tanto que no puede. Hay un hombre por el que te sientes atraída pero no sabes si él se encuentra en la misma sintonía que tú -situación que muchas mujeres. Comportamiento y actitudes típicas de un hombre cuando le gusta una mujer 2 ¿Por qué un hombre no llama a una mujer que le gusta? . otra en la mente, o que no se sienta demasiado atraído por ti por muchas razones.

comportamiento hombre atraido por mujer

Ella es una dulce mujer angelical que es sensible, tiene buenos modales, y no tiene problema en dejar que un hombre lidere.

Ella es la rosa delicada, la doncella inocente que busca un hombro fuerte en el que apoyarse.

cuales indican el gusto de un hombre al sentirse atraído por una mujer. si un hombre se encuentra realmente interesado o atraído por la persona ¿Cómo reconocer el comportamiento de un hombre al sentirse atraído?. Hay muchas formas como se comporta un hombre atraido por una mujer y Las señales de interes de un hombre por una mujer esta en su lenguaje . Un comportamiento que delata a un hombre enamorado es su sonrisa.

La chica de la naturaleza es fresca, fragante y honesta. Ella tiene una belleza natural saludable, es divertida y saludable, rueda con los golpes y mantiene todo en perspectiva.

La Actitud de una Mujer Cuando le Gusta un Hombre no Siempre será Visible

El hombre Tauro tiene una afinidad natural por los animales y los encuentra enormemente calmantes. Una mujer amante de las mascotas es naturalmente afectuosa.

Como reconocer cuando una mujer se siente atraída por ti!

Ella quiere amar y ser amada a cambio. Estos son todos los rasgos que un hombre Tauro atesora en una mujer. Ella tiene una propensión interminable de amar, nutrir y esperar pacientemente.

comportamiento hombre atraido por mujer

Un hombre Tauro se siente atraído y respeta a una mujer educada, ambiciosa, financieramente independiente y confiada en sí misma, pero a la vez femenina. Otro aspecto de gran importancia a considerar es la seducción. Escorpio es un signo muy sensual y al cual los placeres sexuales le son de gran relevancia.

comportamiento hombre atraido por mujer

Ahora debes tener en cuenta que no le atrae mucho el libertinaje y lo vulgar sino que en cambio se siente atraído por lo virginal y erótico. Finalmente se aconseja que seas una mujer tranquila y es que de forma general Escorpio se muestra bastante exaltado, por toda la pasión y energía que contiene.

Como es el signo Escorpio en la amistad Amuletos de la suerte para Escorpio.

comportamiento hombre atraido por mujer

Horóscopos de Hoy Acuario. Esto lo llevó a pensar que las hembras emiten un olor que los machos detectan a través de sus finas antenas.

9 Cosas irresistibles para las mujeres

Sin embargo, nos es imposible hacerlo porque perdimos la facultad de percibir las feromonas emitidas por nuestra propia especie, o no la hemos desarrollado como otros animales.

Muchos otros mamíferos utilizan un conjunto separado de células receptoras sensoriales que tienen en la nariz para percibir diferentes tipos de información, como es el caso de especies tan distintas como los ratones, alces o leones.

Las feromonas consisten en sustancias químicas excretadas o secretadas por un animal que provocan una reacción específica; por ejemplo, un comportamiento definido o un desarrollo determinado. Volvamos al ejemplo antes mencionado de la mujer en una habitación, pero ahora coloquemos en esta a las hembras de la mariposa del gusano de seda Bombyx mori y a sus respectivos machos en busca de una pareja sexualmente disponible. El macho posee unas antenas muy especializadas que tienen miles de sénsulos o vellosidades 17 mil, para comportamiento hombre atraido por mujer exactos que le permiten detectar o advertir la feromona liberada.

Haciendo la analogía con la mujer, imaginen la competencia que tendría un comportamiento hombre atraido por mujer.

¿Por qué tu pareja le mira el culo a otras mujeres y tu te pillas un cabreo que te mueres?

Las feromonas, como ya hemos explicado, son sustancias que influyen en individuos de la misma especie y que pueden regular la maduración sexual, desarrollo o estado fisiológico, o pueden servir como un sistema de alarma para la reproducción sexual, la agregación de los individuos, el marcaje territorial o de ruta o sendero.

Así, algunas larvas de mariposas liberan o secretan sustancias químicas que ayudan a repeler a alguna clase de depredador, como las aves, obteniendo un beneficio; sin embargo, esa misma sustancia puede ser utilizada por parasitoides, un enemigo natural que se alimenta de las larvas para poder dar paso a la siguiente generación.

Vale la pena apuntar que los insectos son organismos muy evolucionados, por lo que tienen una comunicación sumamente compleja. En el caso de la abeja reina Apis melliferahasta el momento se han encontrado diez clases de comportamiento hombre atraido por mujer que le sirven para comunicarse con la colmena. Este tipo de información es de vital importancia para el hombre, toda vez que lo emplea para su propio beneficio; por ejemplo, puede usar las feromonas para sustituir a la reina en la construcción de nuevas colmenas o para la cría de nuevas reinas.

Finalmente, el conocimiento de las feromonas puede ayudar a mejorar la relación entre los individuos mediante su adecuada regulación y uso.

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Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia, Brasil. Tawantinsuyu (Palacio de Anaya - Salón de Actos). de propiedad y a la disputa por la tierra en Neuquén (). e o discurso jurídico: um estudo de processos criminais do município de Vila Velha/ES – María Julieta Abba. – f.: il. (principalmente color.), mapas ; 30 cm. . Al Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Unisinos, a la coordinación de mandato presidencial de Barack Obama, a principios de da velha ordem”. El proceso selectivo de estos grupos se realiza en los idiomas. Primera edición: Puebla de Sanabria, 10 de diciembre de . -El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que tiene lugar en esta especie de micro- .. actividades, fundamentalmente jóvenes de la Villa, inscritos al efecto. WEB: .. -Reciclado selectivo en las aulas . Experiencias y reflexiones sobre la gestión institucional en un proceso de mejora Revista Ibero-Americana de estudos em educacao, 10(4). .. de Desarrollo de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB – es la 78 . en el transcurrir de la investigación, hasta su culminación en mayo de Experiencias y reflexiones sobre la gestión institucional en un proceso de mejora Revista Ibero-Americana de estudos em educacao, 10(4). .. de Desarrollo de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB – es la 78 . en el transcurrir de la investigación, hasta su culminación en mayo de Concurso Público no sector de Educação no Uíge em Library . Concurso SEE DF Professor De Educação Básica Apostila Aqui. Education .. Concurso Vila Velha. Community Concursos & Processos Seletivos RS.

Who was Mollari and how could he be adequately presented at a meeting of persons not qualified in this matter? It was Architect or Engineer? Or, as needed, was the one or the other of these figures? Estudo do conto Os caçadores de capibaras, de Augusto Roa Bastos. Para desenvolver o estudo, realiza-se um apanhado da vida e da obra do autor evidenciando sua importância na literatura latino americana.

Traços de resistência na obra de Augusto Roa Bastos. O tratamento dado a essa matéria histórica nas narrativas supracitadas pode ser entendida como traços de resistência, bem como alguns artifícios narrativos aplicados pelo autor. Huellas del universo guaraní en la memoria escrita del paraguayo Augusto Roa Bastos. All this is done through a language where, without "alibis or civilizing betrayals", he tells the good use of myths, allowing us to read the reality, all our reality.

The democratic psyche: gender, mental health, and militancy under the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship. Those professionals helped political prisoners and their families reconstruct their subjectivities, which meant overcoming everyday survival and private life and participating in society in a dynamic way, typically through a political project.

They argued that individual recovery was a collective process and that collective resistance depended on the reconstruction of the individual. La presidencia de Miguel Antonio Caro. Full Text Available Cien años de los mil días: Los mil días en treinta y dos pasos. Capítulo 2 El gobierno de Miguel Antonio Caro mantenía un ejército relativamente grande, de unos seis mil hombres.

Para su reforma y organización trajo una misión francesa. Antonio Caldara v kontextu své doby. Antonio Ricci en Madrid: Ricci worked in the Palace of Madrid and was involved in the birth of the Academy of Painting.


Nuevas aportaciones documentales aclaran la vida del pintor Antonio Ricci en la Corte española desde su llegada a El Escorial junto a Federico Zuccari en Ricci trabajó como pintor en el entorno palaciego y estuvo involucrado desde el principio en el intento de creación de la Academia madrileña de pintores.

Se detallan aquí su trabajo como tasador, su retrato del futuro Felipe IV o su cercana relación con un personaje tan singular como Jeronimo Gratti, el Caballero de Gracia.

Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez — CERN Multimedia. It was with deep sorrow and great sadness that we learnt that Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez had passed away on 16th January Juan Antonio was born in Madrid on 4th Juneand received his Ph. Ad Antonio Canova lo lega una prima, importantissima lettera del 4 maggio nella quale, in seguito ad un invito trasmessogli dallo scultore, ma di cui è responsabile Filippo III Colonna, enumera tutte le sue opere; la seconda risale al 25 febbraio Tanto da giungere a considerare Mollari come il continuatore del Valadier nei cantieri marchigiani, dove la presenza del Maestro si manifesta come una sovrapposizione di motivi francesizzanti a soluzioni palladiane: componenti entrambe presenti singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 Palazzo Tomassini a Corridonia, ricondotto al Maceratese.

A first very important letter, dated May 4thlinks him to Antonio Canova whereby, after inviting him, by wish of Phillip Colonna IIIhe then makes a list of all his works of art; the second is dated February 25th Moreover the pages of two Valdier Notebooks, which he must have known about, can be considered half way between a typological exercise. What does it take to start up the LHC machine? What's the plan for 1st injection day?

How do you feel about this? Antonio Canova and the Whatever Body. Full Text Available This article looks at the persistence of classicizing art in postmodern imagery. Specifically, I posit the art of Antonio Canova as a precursor to contemporary fashion advertising, arguing singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 the notion that his oeuvre is wholly irrelevant to contemporary culture.

At first glance, these paintings are little more than odd pastiches of 16th century old master works, only with figures marked by a highly refined and conspicuously modern appropriation of ideal beauty.

Rather than marginal curiosities or footnotes to his figures in marble, these paintings will be discussed for their distinctive treatment of the female form. I frame the artist as a transitional figure, one whose overturning of moralizing deployments of ideal beauty initiated a new corporeal type that endures in the figure of the fashion model.

Returning Canova to the central position he once occupied in the nineteenth century, I incorporate the work of Giorgio Agamben, John Berger and Frederic Jameson.

As praças dr. Augusto Silva, Lavras - MG, according to viewpoint of its users. A Praça Dr. A praça Dr. Atéesse prolongamento era denominado de Praça da Bandeira. Os dados coletados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando o Software SPSS, de onde foram obtidas as freqüências porcentuais. A maior parte dos entrevistados julga a praça como um ponto de encontro entre amigos, onde contemplam a sua beleza e descansam. Augusto Silva mostra-se de grande import.

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In the laboratory of the Ghost- Baron : parapsychology in Germany in the early 20th century. During the early twentieth century the Munich-based psychiatrist Albert von Schrenck-Notzing constructed a parapsychological laboratory in his Karolinenplatz home.

Furnished with a range of apparatus derived from the physical and behavioural sciences, the Baron 's intention was to mimic both the outward form and disciplinary trajectory of contemporary experimental psychology, thereby legitimating the nascent field of parapsychology. Experimentation with mediums, those labile subjects who produced ectoplasm, materialisation and telekinesis, however, necessitated not only the inclusion of a range of spiritualist props, but the lackadaisical application of those checks and controls intended to prevent simulation and fraud.

Thus Schrenck-Notzing's parapsychological laboratory with its stereoscopic cameras, galvanometers and medium cabinets was a strange coalescence of both the séance room and the lab, a hybrid space that was symbolic of the irresolvable epistemological and methodological problems at the heart of this aspiring science.

O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar e caracterizar a microbiota de A. Para is Eisenstein contemporain : entretien avec Antonio Somaini. Antonio Gramsci on intellectual thought — Challenging nursing. Biological and singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 water-quality data were collected from lower Olmos Creek and upper San Antonio River in San AntonioTexas, during March-Octoberthe second year of a multiyear data-collection program.

Em ambos os períodos históricos, a cidade sofreu profundas transformações urbanísticas e a fotografia atua como importante agente nesse processo. Ao longo do artigo, nossa base teórica concentra-se em autores que trabalham ou tangenciam as questões da memória e da materialidade.

Para isso foram coletadas e analisadas amostras biológicas da microbiota cutânea de indivíduos de A. A poética de Augusto dos Anjos e a neuropsiquiatria no singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 de siècle. As a result of this transaction, SAC will provide common carrier rail service over the rail lines owned by the Port in the East Kelly Railport the The Danish Fate of two German Collections. Pieces of the Baron von Häckel and C. About half of these pictures can still be found in the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen The private library of Baron F.

Steinheil in the holdings of the Department of Librarian Gatherings and Historical Collections: composition and significance. Steinheil private library, which is deposited in the holdings of the V. In the article we have defi ned the degree of the issue study. The biographical data represents F. Steinheil as a public person, area studies specialist and ethnologist. In he founded a Volyn area study museum in the village Horodok, which had a library being its essential part.

Thanks to the archival materials and published documents it provided for informational inquiries of the local enthusiasts. The library ceased to exist as a complex unit after The issue of the Kyiv part of Baron F. Steinheil book heritage transportation was within the responsibility of the first Head of the Temporary Committee of the National Library of Ukraine organization, the academician V. In modern times the Baron collection is dispersed, therefore specific books, periodical editions and scientific complement documents revealing is of vital importance.

Tabajara Ruas. Romance histórico. Literatura sul-rio-grandense. In this sense to imagine them as historical novels we use the authors Maria. Antonio Aliprandi, un estucador lombardo en la Valencia de En el presente texto se realiza un recorrido por las obras de Aliprandi en Valencia y se documentan varias de ellas hasta el momento sólo atribuidas a su mano. Around many foreign artists appear in Valencia where they will stand for several years leaving in our town quite a lot of handcrafts.

One among them, Antonio Aliprandi, will specialize himself on recovering many buildings with stucco, mainly in churches. This text makes a journey along Aliprandi's art pieces in Valencia after working on files to find the documents refered to them. The nuclear barons.

The following topics are included: development, testing and use of atomic bombs in various countries; attempts to secure control over atomic energy, in particular over the proliferation of atomic weapons; discussion of government policies; political issues, national and international, concerning atomic weapons and atomic power; development of atomic power in various countries, involving governmental institutions and private industry; international cooperation in peaceful uses; fallout from weapon testing; radiation hazards; opposition to nuclear weapons and nuclear power; economics of nuclear power; reactor accidents; public relations; forecasts of nuclear power plant generating capacity; alternative energy sources.

The careers, actions and decisions of individual participants are discussed in detail throughout the account. Meyer, Liza C. The San Antonio Better Buildings Program is a unified single-point-of-service energy efficiency delivery mechanism targeting residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and public buildings. This comprehensive and replicable energy efficiency program is designed to be an effective demand side management initiative to provide a seamless process for program participants to have turn-key access to expert analysis, support and incentives to improve the performance of their in-place energy using systems, while reducing electrical energy use and demand.

El anhelo metafísico de Antonio Machado. In Antonio Machado's poetry, a dissatisfied agnosticism appears; that is, a kind of agnosticism which wants to quit being such, an agnosticism with metaphysical longings. Machado knows that the absence of trascendence does not offer peacefulness, but tediousness and resignation against the changing reality. Being lacks the plenitude it once had and, in this sense, there exists in Machado a double way to understand reality: longing for what was and confirmation of the present.

All this generat Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento a festschrift from theoretical chemistry accounts. Singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 this Festschrift dedicated to the 65th birthday of Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento, selected researchers in theoretical chemistry present research highlights on major developments in the field. Originally published in the journal Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, these outstanding contributions are now available in a hardcover print format.

This volume will be of benefit in particular to those research groups and libraries that have chosen to have only electronic singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 to the journal. It also singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 valuable content for all researchers in theoretical chemistry. Manuel Antonio Noriega. Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 7.

Narkootikumide salakaubaveo, väljapressimise ja rahapesu eest USA vanglas viibiva Panama endise sõjaväejuhi Manuel Antonio Noriega vabanemisest, uuest kohtuteest Prantsusmaal, Panamas tagaselja tehtud kohtuotsusest mõrvade, inimõiguste rikkumise ja korruptsiooni eest.

Panama sõjalise diktaatori eluteest, võimulepääsemisest ning USA sõjalisest invasioonist El liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional en la institución educativa Augusto B.

Leguía, Puente Piedra - En la presente investigación se estudia la relación existente entre el liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional en la Institución Educativa Augusto B.

Leguía, Puente Piedra. La muestra estuvo constituida por sujetos entre directivos, docentes, administrativos y estudiantes a quienes se les aplicó dos encuestas, que permitieron recoger la información y medir las variables, la primera para la variable liderazgo directivo y la segunda para la variable clima organizacional.

Los resultado Tentou-se compreender como Cineclube Antonio das Mortes and its independent film production. Then, this work singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 try to understand how this production of this Cineclube approaches or moves away from the different conceptions that this term has acquired over the decades. L'uomo inquieto. Identità e alterità nell'opera di Antonio Tabucchi.

Singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 assembly, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, multitude, common, entrepreneurship of the multitude, the new Prince, digital capitalism, digital assemblage, neoliberalism, finance.

Costa Rica takes a power generation system using hydro power generation as the main source, and possesses medium-capacity gas turbines to supplement needs in the dry season and the peak load. However, a problem has come up that, in addition to the cost rise in gas turbine fuel, the power generation efficiency has been aggravating due to aged deterioration of the generators being used.

In association therewith, the problem is now a factor to increase CO2 emission, which is a worldwide problem. Keeping in mind to link it to the clean development mechanism CDMthe present project is, taking up the SAN ANTONIO power plant as the investigation object, intended to perform a comprehensive discussion on the CO2 emission reducing effect, profitability, and proliferation effect, by executing the conceptual plant design.

The up-grading plan for thermal power generation systems in Costa Rica consists of replacement of the gas turbines, handling of phase modifiers, and achievement of the combined cycle. The plan agrees with the present feasibility study intended of CO2 emission reduction, consisting of the modification plan of the SAN ANTONIO power plant, that is the plan to replace the over-aged gas turbines at the power plant. Its necessity has been identified. It was disclosed that the project has the effects of reducing CO2 of 82, tons annually, and the investment can be recovered in nine years.

Foram registradas 33 espécies de anuros. We discuss a narrative matrix whose spatial and temporal structures reveal a trajectory towards the human being redemption — a kind of initiation journey, marked by the mystic of an ascetic life. The analyses also points to the recurrent themes of violence and religiousness that support the narrative tension, straightly related to the protagonist conflicts. Violence and religiousness express the initiation journey paradoxes.

Our methodology adopts theoretical contributions of the Pragmatic Linguistics and the Textual Analysis of the Discourses. Full Text Available In Antonio Machado's poetry, a dissatisfied agnosticism appears; that is, a kind of agnosticism which wants to quit being such, an agnosticism with metaphysical longings.

All this generates a vacuum in the human being, a thirst of trascendence not satisfied and, at the sme time, hope as longing of trascendence which can only be expressed in metaphysics and poetry. Machado's account on trascendence does not exclude immanence.

It is found in and from the self, for itself and in other, and even in the absolutely other. Landscape concept in photography: from Luigi Ghirri to Antonio Ottomanelli.

Full Text Available In the 80s of the last century the Italian photography, like other art forms, reflected the political, economic and cultural changes of the Nation. It was the time of a new documentary photography that investigated the transformation of the singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 areas. Within this process the landscape was the subject of a new interpretation. In this process of documentation was worked out singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018, but in a modern way, by Antonio Ottomanelli.

Distant places and only apparently different from each other. In fact, all of them have been destroyed by war or, in the case of New York, have been target of a terrorist attack. Antonio José Ponte: el espacio como texto. Since the structuration of space, in particular, urban space, which is the first political space, is a matter of permanent reflection in his work, here I offer a reading of the allegorical "engineering" of the tale, establishing relations with other critical texts by Ponte which defies the metaphysics of Cuban nationalism and the centralizing ideology of the Estate.

Full Text Available La Regeneración fue el movimiento político y Miguel Antonio Caro el ideólogo que hicieron que Colombia retornara a la matriz institucional centralizada legada por los españoles, en reacción a la dirección liberal y federalista que pretendió orientarla por la senda del desarrollo capitalista, vía su integración al mercado mundial.

Antonio Boggeri. Considerazioni su un protagonista della grafica italiana. Indeed he is one of the most important figures of Italian advertising graphics and this not for the works he materially made in this field but for his centrality in the Studio he created: in fact he was the unifying element in it among artists of different personality and sensibility.

This article does not pretend to explain in a comprehensive manner his importance but it wants to represent a starting point in a research that reconsiders all round Boggeri. Not only, therefore, for his central role in the Studio, but even for his important contribution as a writer and as a photographer, compensating, in part, the lack of works that fully analyze his figure.

An effort in increasing the use of natural resources around southern coast of Yogyakarta, A case-study of coastal area of BaronKukup, and Krakal. Full Text Available The coastal area of BaronKukup, and Krakal in the southern coast of Yogyakarta is an arid and dried area, singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 marginal agriculture land.

The potential vegetation resources only live on the lands that produce cassava, corn, peanut, and soybean. The increasing benefits of sea products such as singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 still need to be invented. The aims of this research are to inventories and to increase the use of disadvantage resources. This research was conducted from October to March The result invents 70 species of useful plants and 21 species of weed that can be used by the people for the needs of their own households.

The remainder products of Anona squamosa L. Phylantus emblica L. Another natural resources that are neglected are the cattle excrement and sharkskin. While cattle excrement can be produced methane for cooking and lighting. There are species of ornamental fishes in Kukup, and 20 species of consumed fishes in Baron. In search of ornamental fishes, the fishermen singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 a bad-habit of using hazardous materials such as potassium cyanide.

Besides endangers the reef communities, algae and fish-larvae, it makes the ornamental fishes they caught unhealthy and cannot be exported since their lifespan is very short. Due to this factor, ornamental fishes are only available in the local market of Kukup.

Comentario a la Presentación del Dr. Full Text Available Agradezco a la Junta Directiva de la Academia el honor que me hace al designarme comentarista del interesante trabajo del Dr. Es a la vez Magíster en Administración en Singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018. A sus condiciones personales suma el Dr. Distribuye su vasta inteligencia entre actividades del campo médico y avatares del terreno económico-social; sus logros en la especialidad médica son bien reconocidos por sus colegas y discípulos.

La natural tendencia. Reet Varblane. Vestlus brasiilia kunstniku Antonio Claudio Carvalhoga X, päeval pärast tema näituse avamist Kunstihoone galeriis. Kunstist, kunstnikest, endast, oma loomingust, kunsti tähendusest praeguses Brasiilias jm. Palavras-chave: Positivismo. A brief initial approach is given to Augusto Comte and the emergence of the positivist philosophy and later it talks about the influence of positivism in the education of women, a qualitative perspective as a key element for a concretization of the new society which was projected, for progress and modernization.

The research has a bibliographic character and is based on the theoretical assumptions of historical-dialectical materialism, which seeks social and historical phenomena from the material reality of men. The discussion prioritizes the relationship. Mito e le visioni musicali di Antonio Buero Vallejo. This libretto was never set to music, but was published in in Primer Acto, preceded by a brief introduction of singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 author.

Bonet plantea un conjunto singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 para alojar a niños huérfanos con equipamientos comunitarios educacionales y deportivos. Pabellones encalados, bóvedas, porches, patios, muros y plataformas de piedra dispuestas como bancales agrícolas, constituyen los elementos que construyen el paisaje de un poblado de trazo moderno y formas arcaicas. Social media, publicidad y empresa.

Entrevista a Antonio Fumero. Recientemente ha creado su propia empresa, Win Win consultores. También es community manager de Color-Uiris y senior consultant de TalentBrokers. Maidservant as muse: The dramatic reinvention of Antonio Canova. Full Text Available In the mids, the playwright Lodovico Muratori wrote a play based on the life of the sculptor, Antonio Canova, that focused on a fictional, unconsummated passion between Canova and his housekeeper, Luigia Giuli.

Artistic inspiration is disengaged from imitation and the singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 act of copying and located instead in the very personal and subjective emotions of the artist. By the late nineteenth century, in order to maintain the validity of an otherwise outmoded style, neoclassicism and its suffocating image of repetition were necessarily recast to fit the political, sociological and artistic developments of the time. Det 'svage' subjekt. San Antonio College SAC plans to incorporate an online climate science class into the curriculum with a focus on local weather conditions and data.

SAC is part of a network of five community colleges based around San AntonioTexas, has over 20, students enrolled, and its student population reflects the diversity in ethnicity, age and gender of the San Antonio community. The college understands the importance of educating San Antonio residents on climate science and its complexities. San Antonio residents are familiar with weather changes and extreme conditions.

The region has experienced an extreme drought, including water rationing in the city. Then, this year's El Niño intensified expected annual rainfalls and flash floods.

The proposed climate science course will uniquely prepare students to understand weather data and the evidence of climate change impacting San Antonio at a local level.

This paper will discuss the importance and challenges of introducing the new climate science course into the curriculum, and the desired class format that will increase the course's success.

Two of the most significant challenges are informing students about the value of this class and identifying the best teaching format. Additionally, measuring and monitoring enrollment will be essential to determine the course performance and success.

At the same time, Alamo Colleges is modifying the process of teaching online classes and is officially working to establish an online college. Since the proposed course will be using electronic textbooks and singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 applications to access hyperlocal weather data, the class is uniquely suited for online students. In Memoriam Antonio Reales Singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 Antonio Reales Orozco. Nacido, criado y educado en Barranquilla, el Dr.

El otro, titulado Santander; fundador del Estado Colombiano trazó, en 24 vigorosos capítulos, que van desde el nacimiento hasta la enfermedad y muerte del General Francisco de. Educación estética y lectura semiótica: el caso de un poema de Augusto do Campos. A partir de la hipótesis de que los textos literarios reflejan aspectos identitarios de las formas de pensar y actuar, y apoyado en una indagación que inserta marcos sociopsicológicos y antropológicos, el resultado de este esfuerzo permite concluir, por una parte, la relevancia del diseño semiótico para el entendimiento de las texturas culturales dentro de un juego que une la poesía y otras experiencias estéticas modernas, de gran utilidad en contextos formativos; por la otra, la posibilidad de adelantar entendimientos que revelen cómo en el orbe profundamente humano los límites entre la vida y la muerte, la unión y la desunión, el recuerdo y el olvido son porosos y se anuncian entrañablemente.

Full Text Available The article proposes a comparative analysis of the historical plays written by Mexican Rodolfo Usigli and by Spanish Antonio Buero Vallejo in the critical light of Friedrich Nietzsche and Hayden White, so as to explore the validity of Iberoamerican theatre as historiography.

It also examines the relationship between history, metaphor, synecdoche and metonymy in their plays. In Antonio Machado's collection "Soledades", the poet's search for identity guides an introspective quest where context, body, and mind form an intricate and inseparable connection.

By extending cognitive capabilities to his natural environment, the poet, through embodied cognition and Theory of Mind, reads other people's and nature's minds to…. This study investigates the effectiveness of remedial reading courses for nontraditional students in San Antonio College, a large, urban, and public community college in Texas. The subjects were students who enrolled the fall semester of and persisted through the fall semester of The remedial reading courses were described in terms of….

Andres Ehin. Hispaania luuletajast Antonio Machadost. Bridging the gap between theory and practice enables trade service providers to effectively reach the small business community interested in entering foreign markets. This paper describes how the award-winning San Antonio Export Leaders program is a model for applying theoretical concepts to the practice of international business.

Toivo Tänavsuu. Citymarketid kujundatakse ümber Rimi Hüpermarketiteks. A la memoria de José Antonio Rojas Tercero, Abetti, Antonio and Abetti, Giorgio Antonio was born in San Pietro di Gorizia, Italy. A civil engineer, he turned to astronomy and became director of the observatory in Arcetri and professor of astronomy at the University of Florence. His main interest was positional astronomy, observation of minor planets, comets and star occultations.

In he observed the transit of Venus across the Sun's disk through a spectroscope. His son, Full Text Available This article describes the role of paramount importance played by Antonio Maceo y Grajales as General Agent of the Provisional Government, one of the less studied and known roles of this preeminent patriot of our wars of independence. It also reviews tourist opinions of site-specific sustainability aspects and assesses differences between tourist types and their perceptions of sustainability.

The ecological. This paper explores how educators would raise different questions about educational issues by using Karl Marx's framework, Antonio Gramsci's conception, and Michel Foucault's notions, respectively. First, the paper compares the historical perspectives of Marx and Foucault. Marx concludes that history is a progressive linear production and that….

World Heritage Sites, which continue to be subject only to U. Inclusion in The water flow in the CRP pipeline at Naco is reduced from a Date Filed: May 29, Name of Project Total mean densities of benthic macroinvertebrates for the three sites ranged from to 10, organisms per square meter.

The most abundant macroinvertebrates were the class Insecta insects. Total densities of periphyton ranged from 2, tocells per square millimeter. Cyanophyta blue-green algae and Bacillariophyta diatoms were the predominant periphyton organisms. Total densities of phyto- plankton ranged from 5, to 47, cells per square milliliter. Blue-green algae accounted for more than one- half of the phytoplankton in each sample.

Hardness ranged from to milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate, and alkalinity ranged from to milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate. The largest dissolved nitrite concentration was 0.

The largest total phosphorus concentration was 0. Total aluminum and total iron were the only trace elements in water to exceed the reporting threshold by large concen- trations. Total aluminum concentrations ranged from 70 to micrograms per liter, and total iron concentrations ranged from 70 to micrograms per liter. Lead was the most prominent trace element in bottom-material samples, with concentrations ranging from 30 to micrograms per gram.

The date - - can be considered when Child Neurology took shape for a fully specialty, when Lefèvre presented his two internationally acclaimed thesis. Using non-professional actors, they restaged and shot scenes, wrote scripts, renamed pre-existing commercial film releases, and assembled the diverse elements they gathered into collage-like constructions. The craft repurposing they exemplify is the essence of bricolage.

Cinema historians Mary Anne Doane, Alan Williams, and Miriam Hansen have adapted the term put into use by Claude Lévi-Strauss in order to articulate and explain aspects of the cinema as an historical, technical, and philosophical aesthetic, as well as modern, mass-medium.

UMI:available January 14, Edmundo continued to alter the last version through the forties and possibly the Vivomatografías. Reaching outside the borders of canonical definitions, La venganza poses a number of interpretative problems for historians and preservationists due to the transitory, ambiguous, and contingent nature of its historical production, reproduction, presentation and political commentary.

In this essay, I bring the concept of bricolage to bear on film preservation practice, in order to address the methodological problems posed by the film compilation in general, and by the very sui generis case of La venganza. I will also discuss its use as a generic term and descriptor for defining and studying this mode of filmmaking. I approach this problem from the dual perspective of the film historian and the film archivist, whose very different aims and approaches to the film print historical artifact conflate the practical and theoretical problems raised precisely by this case study, and which are applicable to most film preservation projects in general.

As interdependent disciplines, cinema studies and film preservation share the ultimate purpose and goal of this article and of my broader study of the Padillas,5 which bears on the use of preservation of moving images and recorded sound artifacts to document and teach film history.

While the role of the film historian is not interchangeable with that of the archivist, both rely on the same signifying traces, particularly film artifacts, as a valuable and essential component of their work. Philip Rosen writes that one characteristic of historical artifacts that preservationists and historians share is that fifities, though we have no exact dates.

Over the latter years, Edmundo likely discarded footage from the nitrate print due to deterioration. La venganza does not appear on any promotional material or documents untiland was the sole Villa film screened in and While digital tools may be used to minimize defects, traditional analog duplication methods, such as wet gate printing rarely mask more pronounced problems, such as watermarks and tears.

But we might pose the question of why film preservationists must insist on masking defects in film artifacts in the first place. Importantly, Zuzana Pick identifies the Mexican compilation film as a popularized version of political events and ideological heroes of the Revolution that posed unique challenges to the historicity of documentary images.

Change Mummified. Cinema, Historicity, Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,p. Storia del cinema mondiale. Torino: Einaudi,pp. For these very reasons motion pictures like La venganza complicate and challenge established protocol that aims to correct and improve the quality of pre- existing film prints in order to make new and better works, which determines viable candidates for film preservation practices.

Constructing the Image of the Mexican Revolution. Cinema and the Archive. Austin: University of Texas Press,p. These later sound films utilized fragments and footage from previous productions by filmmakers. But along with these issues we have the special problem of the border itself, as a coherent and ongoing socio-political construction produced through the convergence of cinema with other representational media.

In an archival paradigm that privileges originals, the extant 35mm nitrate positive print of La venganza has been an undervalued historical artifact because it is comprised entirely of poor quality duped and decomposing fragments otherwise classifiable as scraps.

Heterogeneous like cinema itself, La venganza is a borderless film of continually changing ideas and technical processes, one that destabilizes the very notion of the original used as a singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 for preservation singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018. Its artisanal mode of production is also a constructive demonstration of the very process of craft as mechanical reproduction inherent in the analog film medium.

For this very reason, the nitrate print of La venganza is an enigma that can never be reproduced as an original in the sense that it has commonly been construed in archival practice. The film defies standard boundaries set by archival protocol for determining acquisition and preservation priorities. Historias del cine viajerowhich includes interviews with Padilla family members, while the former reproduces footage from La venganza.

Rocha attempted unsucessfully to get a number of archives interested in preserving the film before the Library of Congress agreed to copy it. Thereafter, I met Rocha and made the decision to undertake its restoration. As Leyda reflects: The proper term would have to indicate that the work begins on the cutting table, with already existing film shots. It also has to indicate that the film used originated at some time in the past. The term could also indicate that it is a film of an idea, for most of the films made in this form are not content to be mere records or documents—and in this factor lies my chief interest in the form, which will have to be referred to in the following pages in various inconsistent ways.

Can you suggest a right term? Celluloid also bears its ongoing state of decomposition, as well as defects, marks, tears and scratches—all traces of its journeys. Sucedió en Jalisco o Los Cristeros. De cine, de cultura y aspectos del México de avol. Films Beget Films. A Study of the Compilation Film.

New York: Hill and Wang,p. But a document in this sense is not only defined at the level of combined or juxtaposed images, but also at the level of the material effects of montage visible on the filmstrip. For example, Pancho Villa was often referred to derogatorily as a ruthless, cunning barbarian with the primitive instincts of an animal.

The singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 show the fictional character Pancho López, aka Pancho Villa, contemplating how he will settle the score against American invaders. Considered in this way, a version of the Kuleshov effect is in play. The material effects of montage are not just the juxtaposed images.

They are also visible on the filmstrip as the images of López dissolve into those of the hyena and back again. In this example the concept of borders is a version of bricolage-montage in which fictional fragments—both indexical and iconic—merge. That is Raymond Nye, the actor playing Pancho López aka Pancho Villa, juxtaposed with the illustrative image singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 the hyena, aka Pancho Villa the hyena, dissolving into a double or pluralized image with new meaning.

Westport: Greenwood Press, We don't know where the image of the hyena comes from but its not from Liberty. But as David Wood points out, Mexican constructores de vistas like Salvador Toscano and the others disparaged Villa throughout the post-revolutionary eras of the twenties and thirties.

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Fábio Hebert da Silva. VITÓRIA. . Alcohol y Drogas del municipio de Vila Velha, mediante la proceso selectivo y comienza a trabajar en un Centro Comunitario de Salud marzo de , en el estado de Espírito Santo, desde el año hacia el , se produjo una. FEBRERO 3ª Edición . frente à arruinada Vila do Pereira, primeira tentativa frus- trada de lheiro de Educação e Cultura da Generalitat Valenciana, . REVISTA ABRESCCO: Em , a Espanha se mostrou dizer que a velha imigração espanhola, que com tanto es- .. no local, e completar este processo.

We are literally on the border in more than one respect. La venganza, like the U. Mexican border imaginary, is ever shifting and inconsistent.

La invención de un género. In Novemberhistorian Margarita de Orellana identified the opening iris shot from a preserved nitrate reel in the Padilla Collection as matching similar footage found in the Toscano Archive.

Colección Edmundo Padilla. Neither Walsh nor any of the Mormon scenes appear in La venganza, although the latter print does contain fragments from the Battle of Torreón episode.

The first was changing public attitudes to, and media representations of, figures like Villa and other revolutionary personnel—especially with respect to post-revolutionary Mexican historical film compilations.

Singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 in mind its inherent complexity, it is nevertheless important to acknowledge the struggle between analyzing La venganza as an artifact, a text, and a work—and also as a preservation and restoration project.

But these terms pose problems of classification, especially with respect to the concept of original. They may employ bricolage methods of assemblage-lifting, mixing, as well as editing. Preservations use disparate materials, such as film frames or film sequences, as well as intertitle font styles and color techniques, from different print sources—even from film prints produced in different production eras.

Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, But as we shall see, according to this logic, we must have an original in order to restore available material to its past state, and this is the very problem posed by La venganza as a work. RDA identifies a work as a distinct intellectual or artistic creation, not a physical object.

Each work can be realized through an expression for example, Gone with the Wind, realized in English and French versions. Each expression has manifestations, material embodiments, such as the extant nitrate print entitled La venganza de Pancho Villa or a DVD copy derived from it.

Each print, DVD or video copy is referred to as an item, no matter how many copies exist. Significantly, RDA is still based on the concept of an original and functions more easily for stable texts, such as printed books. The definition is less flexible when applied to moving images because of their reproducibility as copies available in different formats print, tape, disc, or file. Since La venganza is constructed from fragments lifted from non- extant newsreels and non-extant fictional border subjects, including The Life of General Villa Mutual, and the serials Liberty Universal, and Lieutenant Danny, U.

A Triangle,it is not easy to separate "original" film content. These lost works exist only as bits and pieces combined with other footage in La venganza. Thus, they no longer manifest the same expression they once did as part of singular works or episodes, but as expressions of past work sexisting as something else—in La venganza, or in the case of Liberty also, as fragments mixed on a reel and as individual frames in a can. Actor Robert Korman in brownface as villain Pedro Lopez A complete work once manifested thus may no longer exist in extant form as an item—or when extant, as a fragment or an incomplete reel or frame may be unidentifiable.

Film compilations comprised of segments and fragments of still and moving images, such as those of Mexican constructores de vistas and the Padillas present a double challenge since there is no original manifested item to view—of a whole or the individual parts that comprise it.

As I will show, only through comparative analysis and highly descriptive catalog notes would the researcher or archivist grasp how pre-existing footage takes on particular significance singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 La venganza and its various iterations.

Eye Film curator Giovanna Fossati comments that scholars rarely ask for documentation of how a restoration project was carried out. This is important to consider and is discussed below. This paradox problematizes attempts to define and document La venganza in order to consider it for preservation in the traditional archival sense of an original—or film compilation per se.

Considering a moving image work in a more abstract way, as an expression s embodied in different manifestation smay be a more productive approach. Bricolage as a representational practice offers us a way to discuss the plurality of media, like film, television, and sound recordings as objects, as well as expressions of works manifested in particular formats as performances or screen projections using different platforms and technologies.

The lexicon also notes that singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 for a compilation film is assigned to the individual responsible for assembling it, which suggests the possibility of an editor-filmmaker.

He argues that the kinds of representation that compilation films tend to take for granted are precisely the kind collage films call into question.

Recycled Images: the art and politics of found footage films. Fragment from newsreel of Pancho Villa at the burial of Francisco Madero Early cinema historian André Gaudreault offers the notion of intermediality to theorize the structure of media-technology in a broad sense that takes into account early 19th century technological devices of imaging and sound in which expressive forms merge Vivomatografías.

While they operate in concert and overlap conceptually, intermediality and hybridity differ from bricolage in that the latter is a practice or craft. Intermediality defines a mixed state of being or becoming for a technical medium,30 while bricolage refers to a flexible practice in which different elements and techniques are brought together and arranged in a new way. Film and Attraction: From Kinematography to Cinema. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, Union Générale: Paris,pp.

The Anti-Aesthetic. In house produced intertitle With respect to the film compilation, bricolage is a more exact term that takes into account both the material and the presentational aspects of film in its various forms— that is, as celluloid or nitrate film print, projected image and as a mass-medium commodity. Cinema and most significantly film preservation practices use these representational strategies and techniques of appropriation such as quotation, excerptation, accumulation and repetition.

Modern film preservation practice echoes techniques, used by the Padillas and others like them, such as, selection and arrangement, as well as substitution. Moreover, bricolage shares much in common with individual and institutional collecting activities, like pillage, hoarding, and raiding. Bricolage, Film Preservation and the Importance of Place The Padillas were do-it-yourself exhibitor-producers who used bricolage for their own specific reasons that responded in part to the trans-border experience.

Bricolage afforded them diverse representational strategies in their film production and advertising, and in their performances. In all cases, it retained the same basic function of mixing disparate and competing elements in order to draw contrasts and produce multi-directional forms of expression. Considering Félix and Edmundo as bricoleurs or craftsmen, rather than auteurs with a unique style, allows us to account for crucial aspects of their innovative screen practice and to read their activities in the fronterizo mode.

La venganza de Pancho Villa, being a cultural marker of American and Mexican forms of expression and a representation of border filmmaking practices, calls attention to the 33 Tenorio Trillo uses this expression to suggest we read cultures in less strict terms than those fixed and bound. For example, the term fronterizo suggests an identity synonymous with the boundless nature of borders. But the transnational and the regional, the national and the local, often operate in combination or in parallel.

While not necessarily an oppositional relationship, the structural dynamic that places Mexico and the United States in a historical, dichotomous relationship must be confronted also with respect to film preservation, which itself must deal with the paradoxes of the border.

The entrepreneurial spirit and creativity of the bricoleur who also has a practical business sense and understands his or her investment and its predictability with regard to expenditures and in terms of consumer demand is an apt parallel to the work of the film preservationist — especially the curator35 who must justify institutional expenditures for restoration projects.

Often film curators like myself face difficult decisions, ones that might run counter to our personal preferences but which are necessary to address practical concerns and economic realities.

Curators must decide which singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 material should be restored and how it should be publically presented. We must weigh the viability and legal considerations in the commercial release of a restored film.

I confronted thorny issues with respect to cultural patrimony when deciding to accept La venganza as a restoration project. For example, how does a curator decide which laboratory to use when restoring a film made in between localized border spaces? Which national film archive gets to own and house the archival materials—including source materials, preservation and access copies?

Moreover, who pays to ship, duplicate, and store the artifacts? One cannot responsibly proceed with restoration without answering this last question. In fact, many significant collections are lost when such practicalities cannot be resolved from the outset.

Below, I discuss these problems of place and others that arise when a film artifact like the print of La venganza is considered a candidate for restoration.


Vienna: Synema, Film history as preservation or film preservation as film history takes into account different interpretive perspectives and the disparate languages and meanings they produce. In its ongoing process of decay, the film artifact reveals a combination of heterogeneous elements that are inconsistent both in their provenance and quality: different film stocks, edge code dates, singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 poor quality footage of pre-existing works, as well as in-house shot footage.

Additionally, we have both pre- existing and new technical interventions, such as coloring, dissolves, as well as bi-lingual intertitles that the Padillas made up and produced using the services of commercial labs. Like film content of any work, the heterogeneous materiality of La venganza—that is, the artifact on the cutting table—presents inconsistencies that are difficult to describe and analyze in a consistent way especially when compared to extant paper documents, such as scripts and Edmundo Padilla's logbook entries.

Thus, I use bricolage as a historicizing concept for approaching La venganza the artifact, which in turn must be discussed in productive tension with the Pancho Villa films that preceded it.

But we must first interrogate the concept of an original as applied and used within the motion picture archive. As I will show there are limitations and drawbacks when relying on this conceptual Vivomatografías.

In this sense film prints become institutional assets and can be used for heritage production via duplication technologies. At the same time, as I will show, by this definition heritage is muddled with notions of traditional history gathering all of the factspursuit of the original moment, as well as romanticized notions of uniqueness and originality. This more or less describes the vast majority of film prints held in archives.

Original negatives rarely survive--this is certainly the case for early Latin American film production, with the general exception of commercial feature films.

For this reason original negatives, which generate pristine copies, are also valued as an institutional asset, especially when restored and made accessible to the public and researchers as a commodity DVD, festival screening, etc. Groys writes: 37 The terms preservation, restoration and conservation are often used interchangeably and ambiguously.

Restoration of Motion Picture Film. Newton, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, On the contrary, the copy is virtual, without location, without history … In fact, provided there is singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 a topological difference between original and copy, it is not only possible to de-locate and deterritorialize a work of art, but also to re-territorialize a copy.

For many practical reasons, curators who oversee access are often limited to working with a stable material object whose value can be measured in cultural and economic terms. That is, as an institutional asset belonging to film heritage, which is in turn identified by a singular nation. Fragments are cultural products that have an aura of their own. Like the photograph, the fragment singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 autonomous, and when rearranged with other fragments, produces a new representation.

Compiled fragments, like mixed footage found in film compilations, contain pre-existing shots in unified sequences, which can be combined in any number of possible arrangements, thus highlighting the process of construction. This shifts the aura from the nature of the work to its production. The artist selects a destination, and journeys to a place by documenting it using photographic or media technology.

The difference is between an authentic journey to a place, and an authentic original object or artifact that belongs to one. Historias del cine viajero which use their screen practice as a point of departure and final destination of his journey to reconstruct a history of Mexican itinerant film exhibition practices. Preservation as Documentation: La venganza de Pancho Villa as a Text Scholars regularly use textual materials scripts, copyright descriptions, trade press advertising and reviews for historical analysis in lieu of lost films, or when access is prohibited.

While archivists too may consult these materials, and any number of copies of archival artifacts, they do so in order to weigh and measure their usefulness for film restoration purposes.

For example, scholars and their students connect to artifacts using textual resources, among the most important of which is singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 film interpreted through singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 a DVD or a film print projected.

As discussed above, when identifying and describing motion pictures, catalogers, like most archivists, do not use the term 'text' in the same way it is used by scholars, though most archivists may rely on the underlying concept of textuality—especially when making judgments about discrepancies of content. For example, when a situation requires a main title for a work that is unidentifiable, a cataloger makes a decision based on content including how it is arrangedand chooses descriptive search terms that will increase the odds of retrieving that supplied title when a search is carried out.

In this sense they approach film content as a descriptive text, overlapping with the practice of researchers. Cinephilia: Movies, Love and Memory. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press,pp.

Preservation should, though it does not always, take into account other related versions of a work and archival materials that document its production, that is, other textual evidence. Importantly film historians Casper Tybjerg and Vinzenz Hediger offer their perspectives on film preservation. I see their work as productive since they understand the importance of preservation as part of a screen historiography that must account for forms of historicity that restored films generate e.

It is not my intention to single out Serna here, as the practice of relying on copies of films in tape, digital file or safety print format as primary sources for textual analysis is standard practice for scholars, albeit with the exception of some early film historians who examine archival film materials for their research.

Felix and Edmundo, however, purchased prints from second-hand distributors. Thus La venganza offers us important ways to think about film preservation as both film history and as screen history. For example, the nitrate print can be analyzed as a text in the sense of being one specific version of the film as it entered the archive as a physical item. But at the same time, to borrow from Fossati, it is a conceptual work when considered along with other extant film and non-film materials: scripts, in-house advertising, film fragments, and log books.

Thus, rather than establish a dichotomy that separates a material artifact from a conceptual one as theorized by Fossati, I consider them as one and the same, existing in productive tension.

Importantly, past industrial and present archival standards, in their shared goal to produce pristine prints of the best quality, often crisscross during the preservation process. If we raise the issue of how the preservationist preserves the indeterminacy and multiplicity of a work like La venganza, we can say singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 same is true of all film prints.

To ask a better question: can a traditional film restoration preserve and document the complete history of a film print? Preservationists need to bring the concept of bricolage into their practice. Scholars too should rethink how they use archival singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 as objects of study, and consider film preservation as a form of historicity when writing film history. Both camps should ask why a 48 James W.

Preserve Then Show. Copenhagen: Danish Film Institute,p. In confronting such heterogeneous material, the notion of cinema as bricolage helps us to conceptualize what the history of film was and is, as well as what it will be. Practices of remixing diverse media, generic and collective expressive forms from different eras merge national with vernacular cultural traditions and political histories through bricolage repurposing as fronterizo ingenuity.

It allows us to reconsider our connection to objects in other ways than through identity and origin, as creative acts used to express what is in- between. Bricolage as a practice shared by both the filmmaker and restorer unites both historiographic and archival priorities and the shared goal and purpose of this essay, which bears on the use of film 50 Despite arguments to the contrary, film history and analog film are not dead, as evidenced in the ongoing collecting practices of archives, libraries, collectors and stock footage houses.

However, both film history and analog film technology are being re-conceptualized by historians and archivists as subcategories of media archaeology. The Padilla Collection thus opens up an entirely new category of analog film material requiring new criteria for what is worth saving and offering a new opportunity to historicize that, which has gone unrecognized.

Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, New York: Hill and Wang, PICK, Zuzana. Austin: University of Texas Press, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Copenhagen: Danish Film Institute, Essays on Postmodern Culture.

Seattle: Bay Press, Recycled Images : the art and politics of found footage films. Cine mudo latinoamericano. México: UNAM, She has published articles on women pioneers Elvira Notari, Alice Guy, and Dorothy Yost, and served as editor of two issues of the journal Film History devoted to early color.

E-mail: notari earthlink. La voz ilustrada de la Revolución. Connotados escritores, políticos, periodistas e intelectuales manifestaron en la prensa escrita de la época su completa aprobación y admiración por la forma en que la cinta representa la Revolución Mexicana, producto de la selección y restauración de tomas y secuencias del archivo de Salvador Toscano, editadas por su hija Carmen Toscano.

El artículo concluye con una reflexión sobre cómo se articula la voz narrativa de este documental y cómo contribuyó para institucionalizar la imagen e historia de la Revolución.

Palabras clave: Carmen Toscano, Revolución Mexicana, documental de compilación, nacionalismo, identidad, voz narrativa. History, Nationalism and Identity in Singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 Accounts of Memorias de un mexicano Carmen Toscano, Abstract: This article reconstructs the first critical accounts of the compilation documentary Memorias de un mexicano Memories of a Mexican following its commercial premiere on 24 August in Mexico City. Keywords: Carmen Toscano, Mexican Revolution, compilation documentary, nationalism, identity, narrative voice.

Memorias de un mexicano Carmen Toscano, es terreno fértil para adentrarse en estas reflexiones. Por un lado, en función de la génesis, estructura y contenido narrativo y visual de esta cinta y, por el otro, porque a partir de su recepción, a través de distintas lecturas, aparecen nociones de verdad, documento, narración e identidad referidas al intrincado vínculo que existe entre historia y cine documental.

En estas primeras lecturas de Memorias de un mexicano resulta notable la total ausencia de comentarios o evaluaciones desfavorables sobre el film, al igual que la aprobación irrestricta del discurso histórico que construye.

En: Secuencia. Revista de historia y ciencias sociales, n. Las cursivas son del autor. En estas lecturas, la transparencia atribuida a la imagen documental no puede sino evidenciar, de manera incuestionable, la existencia de un solo pasado compartido, sin cabida para sediciones o contradicciones, de una sola historia nacional de la patria. En: Carroll, Noël y Jinhee Choi eds. Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures.

Oxford: Blackwell,p. Emoción y técnica, piedras de toque en Memorias de un mexicano La primera recepción de Memorias de un mexicano en la prensa escrita capitalina entre agosto y septiembre de fue abrumadoramente positiva.

De igual forma, la labor de Carmen Toscano fue altamente elogiada: su paciencia, esfuerzo y determinación para llevar a buen puerto este ambicioso proyecto son mencionados repetidas veces. En: Novedades, 12 de septiembre deprimera sección, p. Carmen Toscano Escobedo —poeta, ensayista, productora, dramaturga y guionista— gozó de una posición de privilegio en la élite del poder y la cultura del México posrevolucionario.

Este político e intelectual inició su larga carrera en el movimiento que apoyó en la candidatura presidencial de José Vasconcelos; posteriormente, se desempeñó como director del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM entre y Asimismo, dicha filiación pudo haber predispuesto a algunos lectores para escribir evaluaciones mayormente positivas de la cinta.

Los carteles publicitarios de Memorias de un mexicano aparecidos en diarios y revistas echaron mano de declaraciones de pintores, cineastas, políticos e intelectuales singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 promocionar el filme. Entre y vivió en el exilio, primero en Nueva York y luego en Madrid. En fue nombrado miembro de la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.

Algunas de sus novelas son: Mapimí 37El resplandor y La tierra grande y entre sus libros de ensayo se encuentran: Fulgor de MartíRetórica de la Revolución e Instantes de la Revolución En: El Universal, 29 de agosto deprimera sección, p.

En fue acreedor del Premio Nacional de Periodismo. Entre sus obras destacan los libros de cuentos Sirena en el aula y Los días de Aguascalientes En: El Nacional, 11 de agosto deprimera sección, p.

En recibió la Orden de las Palmas Académicas por parte del gobierno francés. Ingresó a la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua en En: El Universal, 30 de agosto deprimera sección, p. Fue diputado federal y presidente del Congreso de la Unión. En recibió el Premio Chiapas de Artes. En: El Nacional, 3 de septiembre deprimera sección, p.

De a trabajó como columnista del periódico Novedades. Entre y fungió como diputado del Partido Acción Nacional PANuno de los primeros representantes federales de esta agrupación política en ser electos y desempeñar tal cargo.

En: Novedades, 8 de agosto detercera sección, p. En: El Nacional, 13 de agosto desegunda sección, p. Siguiendo varias lecturas de Memorias de un mexicano, tal principio ordenador yace en el tipo de narración que Carmen Toscano construye para su documental. Dicho guión emplea un protagonista ficticio y sin nombre para relatar, en primera persona, las vicisitudes de la Revolución de la que fue testigo y partícipe.

A lo largo de la trama, este narrador anónimo rememora la sinuosa trayectoria de su tío Luis —de corazón liberal, primero partidario del Gral. Frente a la abundante cantidad de material que requirió la realización de Memorias de un mexicano, y a la amplia temporalidad que dicho material supone, varias de las lecturas destacan la continuidad y unidad, a distintos niveles, que posee este documental.

singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018

Fue crítico de cine del suplemento Close up de nuestro cine, publicado en la Revista Mexicana de Cultura del periódico El Nacional. Entre sus antologías poéticas destacan: Absoluto amorLa rosa primitivaEstrella en alto y otros poemasPoemas prohibidos y de amor y Estampida de poemínimos Al inicio de su carrera literaria, colaboró en El Universal Ilustrado, en el suplemento cultural de El Heraldo de México y en el semanario La Antorcha.

Fue artífice de la creación del INBA en Entre sus antologías poéticas se encuentran: XX poemasPoemas proletarios y Dieciocho sonetos y algunas de sus obras de teatro son: La culta damaYocasta o casi e In Ticitezcatl o el espejo encantado En: El Nacional, 24 de agosto desegunda sección, p.

En: El Nacional, 26 de agosto deprimera sección, p. Una voz que, eventualmente, también contribuyó para institucionalizar tanto la imagen como la historia del México revolucionario y posrevolucionario.

A inicios del siglo XX en México, el cine documental floreció vinculado al periodismo y a su misión de informar sobre los sucesos de interés general que se desarrollaban entonces. Aunque las actualidades comportaban una naturaleza inicialmente noticiosa, en ocasiones tenían tintes propagandísticos, dependiendo de la causa o caudillo que apoyaran los documentalistas que las realizaban.

AbitiaSalvador Toscano, Enrique Rosas y los hermanos Carlos, Eduardo, Guillermo y Salvador Alva eran tan abundantes que sus creadores los aprovecharon para hacer largometrajes. Dichos realizadores: [ Desde su origen, la principal característica de este género fue recrear acontecimientos de un pasado reciente, aunque no inmediato, con escenas organizadas en forma cronológica.

Por lo general, las cintas se presentaban como descripciones de etapas concluidas lo que permitía que no se las identificara con las efímeras producciones de actualidades ni con las de propaganda [ En: Ortiz Monasterio, Pablo ed.

En películas históricas de compilación como Historia completa de la Revolución Toscano,estructurada mediante materiales exhibidos previamente y relativos a la trayectoria política, electoral y militar de Madero, e Historia completa de la Revolución Mexicana Toscano,una narrativa cronológica de esta que culmina con el ascenso al poder del Gral. Como apunté anteriormente, la narración construida por Carmen Toscano, a través del guión y del montaje, otorga a la materia prima utilizada en Memorias de un mexicano significados y sentidos distintos de aquellos que el pietaje original comportaba, aunque las 49 Ibid.

En: Altenberg, Tilmann ed. Imagining the Mexican Revolution. Versions and Visions in Literature and Visual Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing,pp. Es bien conocido que el ingeniero Toscano, en un principio maderista y posteriormente carrancista, filmó y editó, él mismo, vistas, actualidades y reportajes, y que también compraba y re empleaba pietaje de otros camarógrafos y cineastas, entre los que destacan los hermanos Alva y Rosas, así como Antonio F.

Ocañas, quien fuera su socio comercial durante algunos años. De ahí que los documentales de la Revolución Mexicana no sean obras imparciales ni tampoco ofrezcan una visión objetiva de los acontecimientos: portan las preferencias políticas e ideológicas de los primeros artistas nacionales del cine que —como advierte Andrés de Luna— recurrieron a la supresión, generalización y construcción de personajes, motivos y símbolos.

Salvador Toscano. El documental nacional de la Revolución Mexicana. Filmografía: Así, la heterogeneidad visual —que, de fondo, es también una heterogeneidad ideológica— requiere un principio de homogeneización, aquél que se establece mediante la voz narrativa del documental, 56 actualizada a través del lenguaje hablado que escuchamos constantemente en Memorias de un mexicano.

En Ortiz Monasterio, Pablo ed. Mediante la figura del tío Luis y su relación con el narrador anónimo, Carmen Toscano fabrica un punto de vista moderno, por así llamarlo, de la historia de la Revolución. Historia documental del cine mexicano: época sonora. Tomo IV México: Era,p.

No obstante, nuestro narrador sin nombre hermana y equipara a estos caudillos revolucionarios, civiles y armados, mediante una caracterización semejante de sus muertes. Sin embargo, no descarto una suerte de autocensura de Doña Carmen a este respecto que explique por qué la poeta omitió referirse a este importante hecho en su breve recuento de los primeros años posrrevolucionarios. Poemas prohibidos y de amor. México: Siglo Veintiuno Editores,p. De igual modo, la representación heroica de los caudillos asesinados y de un pueblo mexicano idealizado como protagonista central y personaje auténtico de la Revolución emergen tanto en la cinta como en sus interpretaciones.

El trabajo de Carmen Toscano, artífice indiscutible del discurso que despliega Memorias de un mexicano, en palabras de Wood: [ México: Fondo de Cultura Económica,pp. México: Era, México: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, NOVO, Salvador. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Oxford: Blackwell,pp. Realizó una estancia posdoctoral de investigación, entre yen el Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de México acerca del cine mexicano violento de los años ochenta desde la perspectiva de la historia cultural.

Abitia entre y y titulada Ocho mil kilómetros en campaña. Se describen los usos propagandísticos dados a estas cintas en el contexto de los años sesenta del siglo XX, su difusión y su recepción inmediatas, así como las similitudes o diferencias que tuvieron con la producción original. Abitia, Revolución Mexicana, documentales de compilación, Epopeyas de la Revolución, Ocho mil kilómetros en campaña.

Abitia, Mexican Revolution, compilation documentaries, Epopeyas de la Revolución, Ocho mil kilómetros en campaña. Abitia entre e e intitulado Oito mil quilómetros em campanha. El PRI y sus antepasados. Madero, las virtudes esenciales del movimiento. Esos resabios se manifestaban por ejemplo en el calendario cívico, con la conmemoración anual de la toma de la ciudad de México por el ejército de Carranza y Obregón. El estreno de Epopeyas se daba, entonces, en una fiesta constitucionalista.

El Departamento Autónomo de Prensa y Publicidad; construyendo la nación a través del cine documental en México. La Revolución. Podía deducirse de esta información, aunque no se consignaba en los créditos, que la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional había participado en la producción de la cinta. Sección, p.

También apareció en el oficialista diario El Nacional 9 de diciembre dep. Excélsior, 5 de diciembre dep. Al término de la revolución, el fotógrafo siguió cerca del caudillo, quien ganó la presidencia en el periodo Pero el asesinato de Obregón encuando había sido electo de nuevo presidente, acarreó también la desgracia de Abitia. Historia del cine mexicano Austin: University of Texas Press,pp. En: Fotografía, cine y literatura de la Revolución Mexicana. En: Imagofagia.

México: RGM,pp. Ya se mencionó que en los créditos se le atribuía la fotografía de la cinta, pero también, en una especie de prólogo a la historia narrada, se lo mostraba posando ya muy viejo con su esposa, doña Elena Pedrozo, presumiblemente en su casa de la colonia Ex Hipódromo de Peralvillo de la ciudad de México. Merced a su valor y profesionalismo, es que el país puede ver, a medio siglo de distancia, lo que fue su revolución armada.

El nombre de éste se puso así de nuevo en circulación. Antes de llegar a eso, sin embargo, es necesario considerar las fuentes originales de esa película. Abitia creó a partir de una enorme cantidad de fotografías fijas y en movimiento en las que retrató distintos aspectos de las maniobras del ejército obregonista. Tres años después, su trabajo arrojaba como principales resultados la publicación de cuatro series de tarjetas postales y la edición de dos películas.

La Revolución Mexicana en el cine nacional. Filmografía, México: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México,p. Ocho mil kilómetros en campaña. Bouret, La película la compró la Secretaría de la Defensa, quien no satisfecha con la versión carrancista de Abitia, cambió el texto y la reeditó para estrenarla con el mismo nombre. Vivir de sueños, vol.

Su experiencia se reflejó en un tratamiento eficaz de los materiales a su alcance, de acuerdo con el cual suprimió los intertítulos, descartó las tomas que consideró redundantes o innecesarias, y tendió a respetar la organización previa de las escenas elegidas. Sin embargo, la dirección de la película parece haber sido para él un trabajo por encargo, en el que aceptó no imprimir un punto de vista personal.

Mi amante el futbol. México: Grijalbo,pp. Historia documental del cine mexicano, tomos 4 y 5. La intervención entre corchetes es mía. Esto se manifiesta, sobre todo, en las partes donde se otorga a los constitucionalistas preeminencia sobre otras facciones, y en particular sobre la de los villistas. La manera en que ocurre esta mostración en Epopeyas es de dos formas distintas: al combinarse imagen y sonido para dar el mismo mensaje, y al calificar la narración acontecimientos sin que exista un acompañamiento visual que la refuerce.

Aquí empezaría el doble camino de la revolución. La marcha hacia el futuro, hacia la ley, hacia la constitución; y el retroceso, la reacción. La historia volvió a probar que la humanidad siempre marcha hacia adelante. Esta oposición entre fuerzas progresistas y reaccionarias ya estaba en la película de Madero, el resto de esta cinta parece incorporar sólo tomas filmadas por Abitia.

Esto querría decir que la corriente ecuménica se impuso, en este caso, a la partidaria de los constitucionalistas. Pero como los actos de censura suelen involucrar distintos motivos y actores sociales, tal vez hubo otras intervenciones. Dadas las dificultades de la vida en éste -y el agudizamiento del proceso de desertificación- a mediados del siglo anterior se produjo una considerable migración de los pobladores hacia los principales centros urbanos.

Abstract: Este artigo aborda significações e experiências de pobreza e lugar es ensejadas nas margens urbanas de Fortaleza-Ce, Brasil, neste século XXI. Enfoca narrativas e experiências de moradores de territórios estigmatizados desta metrópole que apresentam elevados indicadores de desigualdades sociais, pobreza pluridimensional e violência urbana. Buscou-se apreender, assim, as configurações e interpretações contemporâneas da pobreza no Brasil dos anosem face das dinâmicas do capitalismo mundializado associados à ofensiva neoconservadora, como seus enraizamentos nos territórios estigmatizados e nos modos de vida locais.

Se es consciente que estas situaciones conflictivas son un reto para toda la sociedad en su conjunto. Es por ello, que los conflictos socio-ambientales han suscitado especial atención. Un caso como este ha despertado nuestro interés sobre la distorsión de lo se define como desarrollo territorial, entendido como un proceso de construcción social del entorno, impulsado por la interacción entre las características geofísicas, las iniciativas individuales y colectivas de distintos actores y la operación de las fuerzas económicas, tecnológicas, sociopolíticas, culturales y ambientales.

Experiencias cotidianas de la relegación urbana. Abstract: El nacimiento de los campamentos en Chile se enlaza con la consolidación de las ciudades y de la conformación de un país predominantemente urbano.

Sabatini menciona que es la ubicación de las viviendas sociales, generalmente distantes de los centros laborales, lo que contribuiría a que los residentes de los campamentos prefieran la vivienda irregular a una vivienda social ubicada en la periferia, es decir dan un mayor valor a la tierra no urbanizada, sin servicios pero bien ubicada. En general los campamentos en Chile tienen características que los distinguen del fenómeno de los asentamientos irregulares en América Latina, en donde las favelas, las villas miseria, las chavolas tienen grandes dimensiones Fernandes, ; De Lima, Abstract: La presente ponencia es resultado de un proceso de investigación realizado por el Observatorio de la Reconstrucción de la Universidad de Chile desde el año hasta la actualidad.

Esta investigación comienza indagando sobre el terremoto y tsunami del 27 de febrero del año que afectó fuertemente a seis regiones del país, cobrando vidas y dejando 2 millones de damnificados en términos materiales. Ocurrió similar situación con el mega incendio de la región de Valparaíso, y los aluviones de la región de Atacama en el año Estos desastres, de magnitudes distintas, han sido abordados por planes de reconstrucción que desde su diseño hasta su implementación han reproducido desigualdades territoriales.

Ante lo cual surgieron organizaciones de corte comunitario hasta movimientos inter-regionales que han demandado al Estado una reconstrucción con enfoque de derechos. O objetivo do artigo é de analisar como se configuram políticas urbanas a partir de dispositivos que promoveriam o desenvolvimento humano e regional.

Enfim, analisaremos os impactos e as mudanças que ele provocou para os moradores. Segregación socioespacial y turismo singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 la Riviera Maya, México Lejos del discurso que se manejó en su creación, respecto a la planificación integral, su crecimiento ha sido desmedido y ha impactado de modo irreversible en el ambiente natural y social de la región.

En dichos territorios se puede observar una segregación social y funcional; ya que de la línea costera a la carretera federal, el espacio es de uso turístico y privatizado por hoteles, residencias e inversiones. Por lo tanto en esta ponencia se analiza la segregación socioespacial que configura los pueblos de apoyo de la Riviera Maya, a partir de un marco teórico basado en la gentrificación y desterritorialización. De este modo se pretende aportar a la discusión de las transformaciones socioespaciales que genera la actividad turística.

Território ambiental do Cariri Paraibano: Viajantes dos sertões Desse processo investigativo até o presente, o viajante que adentrou o Cariri paraibano foi o viajante, Manoel Arruda Câmara. Desplazamiento forzado y visión del territorio, voces del pueblo Yukpa asentado en la margen derecha del rio Guatapuri del municipio de Valledupar Abstract: El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia ha sido uno de los problemas inherentes del conflicto armado, las comunidades indígenas del territorio colombiano no han sido exenta de este flagelo.

Esta es una investigación cualitativa enfocado a la metodología de acción participación, durante la cual se desarrolla como técnica de investigación la observación directa y participante, a través del instrumento de diario de campo y como proceso de acción se singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 métodos pedagógicos y de aprendizaje con la implementación de grupos de estudios con los indígenas Yukpas radicados en la margen derecha del Rio Guatapuri.

Se propone en este trabajo observar las transformaciones generadas en la red urbana regional de piedemonte orinoquense, particularmente de los departamentos de Meta y Casanare, asociadas a la producción de commodities, particularmente de hidrocarburos.

Se hace revisan los principales cambios en la forma urbana a partir de la comparación de fotografías aéreas en diferentes etapas. Se recurre también al uso de métodos cualitativos, aplicados en trabajo de campo, como la entrevista semiestructurada a actores bien informados, y la observación de cambios en el paisaje urbano e interurbano.

A partir de esto, se determinan los principales cambios socioespaciales, la dirección espacialidad y aceleramiento temporalidad de la territorialización del capital y por ende en la reconfiguración socioespacial de la red urbano regional. Delaíde Passos 1 1 - Unicamp. Além dos condicionantes gerais da Era Vargas, concentraremos em específico no marco regulatório que influenciou mais diretamente o setor mineral, como as Constituições de e e os Códigos de Minas de e Este trabalho denominou essas diferentes regiões produtivas de subespaços de desenvolvimento.

Heterogeneidades municipales y territorios La Ley de Descentralización y Participación Ciudadana del añopone en funcionamiento en nuestro país un nuevo formato político-institucional que crea los "Municipios" como un tercer nivel de gobierno. Por otro lado, tanto Descentralización como Participación han sido objetivos marcados como prioritarios en la agenda política en los sucesivos gobiernos de izquierda en Uruguay y han tenido una impronta democratizante en sus aspectos esenciales, tanto en lo que hace a la concepción de reforma del Estado como a la participación de la sociedad civil.

Como principal resultado del trabajo resaltamos que existen Municipios asimétricos entre sí, entre aquellos cuyos recursos territoriales y entramado de actores con fortalezas organizacionales han sido determinantes en la marcha de la gestión municipal y aquellos cuyas debilidades les ha impedido traspasar de la gestión de lo estrictamente administrativo a la gestión de los procesos de desarrollo local. Impactos del turismo sobre el territorio amazónico colombiano Abstract: En la región singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 de Colombia, al sur del país, se ha incrementado notablemente la actividad del turismo, llegando a triplicarse la llegada de visitantes a esta región, aproximadamente desde los años 90 hasta la actualidad.

El mismo que se elaboró en un periodo de dos años, y un trabajo de campo que recogió información de primera mano a través de encuestas, entrevistas y una observación detallada del impacto del turismo en el municipio mencionado durante el año El paisaje y su trastienda: el caso del Valle de Uco Mendoza Es allí, en estos juegos contradictorios y necesarios que se expresa la lucha de clases en el paisaje, inscripto como lo disruptivo dentro de la creación discursiva del gobierno y las empresas sobre lo que es el paisaje.

Este paisaje en resistencia, donde los trabajadores organizan y resignifican sus vidas expresa materialmente lo que acabamos de relatar. Foi evidenciado que a cidade passa por significativas transformações cotidianamente, no tocante aos fluxos culturais, estruturais e econômicos.

A existência da territorialidade passa pelo fato de que os diversos atores sociais e as populações compartilham interesses, projetos coletivos, identidades, história e traços culturais. Este segmento necessita da disponibilidade hídrica para as suas atividades produtivas.

La presencia de estos clubes y residencias es indisociable de la forma en que se organiza el trabajo en el distrito. Precisamente esta presencia reordena el territorio, lo re produce y reconfigura. En Asia, nos encontramos ante un contexto donde el crecimiento inmobiliario y la transformación urbana que genera deriva del rol articulador que la ciudad de Lima desempeña.

De ahí que sea importante comprender que las condiciones territoriales de Asia le dan especificidad a las relaciones y aspiraciones laborales de sus habitantes. Asia cuenta con determinadas particularidades presencia de una Comunidad Campesina, extenso territorio, anexos desarticulados, entre otros que nos permiten comprender cómo y por qué se han constituido las trayectorias y estrategias de trabajo de sus habitantes.

Para ello, comprendemos el trabajo como una actividad de interacción social con objetos y medios de producción; de negociación entre los actores y las estructuras. En Asia, la presencia de actores producto de la mercantilización de la tierra y expansión inmobiliaria constriñe y posibilita las estrategias y trayectorias de trabajo de los hogares asianos.

Existe una negociación producto del encuentro entre estos actores y lo hogares asianos en distintos mercados de trabajo se constituye como un espacio de negociación desigual y vulnerable.

La oferta laboral en Asia se compone de los incentivos percibidos por los individuos y de las capacidades individuales de respuesta a los incentivos. Por ello, resulta importante reparar en las estrategias y trayectorias de trabajo para comprender estas capacidades de respuesta en contexto. Específicamente, estas capacidades se comprenden a partir de cuatro factores i territorio ii edad iii género iv educación De esta forma, esta investigación se centra en determinar, en primer lugar, cómo se constituyen y despliegan las trayectorias y estrategias de trabajo de los hogares de Asia y, en segundo lugar, se orienta a analizar los efectos que tiene la mercantilización de la tierra y expansión del mercado inmobiliario estas trayectorias y estrategias durante el periodo Se realizaron 13 entrevistas semi estructuradas a actores institucionales y comunidades mapuches; para la sistematización de la información se utilizó el software Atlas.

Palabras claves: Neoextractivismo, sector forestal, impactos socioculturales, kumemogen, reivindicación territorial. Abstract: A falta de moradia digna é um dos grandes problemas que atravessa o espaço e o tempo das diferentes sociedades humanas. Quais relações existem singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 o espaço físico de moradia e o comportamento dos indivíduos neste espaço? Emporio comercial textil Gamarra : Nuevas estrategias empresariales y espaciales en el neoliberalismo Un fenómeno que resulta de este contexto, como en varios países en vías de desarrollo, es la aparición de micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas como medio para generar riqueza desde la pobreza, la informalidad y lo popular.

La cultura andina fue central en la creación de relaciones, interacciones y espacios fértiles para emprendimientos económicos fructíferos. En Gamarra al garete se pone de relieve la relación entre una alta densidad espacial en actividades económicas y el éxito de las empresas localizadas en ese espacio. Dentro de lo que denominan como economías de aglomeración, describen una serie de ventajas tales como la reducción de costos respecto a transacciones de mercado, de monitoreo, de evaluación de las contrapartes de un negocio y la promoción de servicios especializados.

Singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 concentración territorial refuerza las economías internas, y genera trabajos nuevos, como el de un acopiador de restos de tela, un datero que vende información sobre insumos o precios, o los cargadores que trasladan telas sobre sus carretillas dentro del emporio. Transformaciones territoriales en el Bajo Atrato. Una mirada de los efectos del conflicto para la construcción de territorios colectivos de paz.

Laura Escobar 1 1 - Universidad Externado de Colombia. Abstract: Ante la necesidad de pensar la concreción territorial de la paz, este artículo se propone retomar los resultados de una investigación culminada ensobre las transformaciones que dejó el conflicto armado singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 la subregión del Bajo Atrato a la luz de identificar los retos que supone la firma del acuerdo de paz con las Farc y el inicio de las negociaciones con el ELN.

La mirada que ofrece este texto es una mirada sobre lo colectivo, encontrando la relación entre los hechos victimizantes individuales y los procesos de transformación territorial que vinieron con estos particularmente en la dimensión político-organizativa, ambiental-productiva, y social-comunitaria. En el fondo la tesis que se sostiene es que el conflicto armado y la usurpación de tierras que acompañaron la violencia en la región contenían una lógica de fragmentación territorial necesaria para la consolidación de un determinado modelo de desarrollo.

En el sentido contrario, un real proceso de reparación y de construcción de territorios de paz requiere dar respuesta a esto, en un proceso que supera el volver al pasado y propone le reivindicación del sujeto colectivo como constructor de su territorio. Los dos procesos descritos de violencia y usurpación deben entenderse como dos formas violentas articuladas de negación de los sujetos que habitaban el territorio e imposición de una forma.

Clase, subjetividad y Trabajo en la movilización territorial: el caso de Chiloé y la marea roja, mayo de Abstract: En la isla de Chiloé, al sur de Chile, el mes de mayo del estuvo marcado por una de las protestas de mayor envergadura de las que se tenga registro en dicha localidad.

Durante alrededor de 3 semanas se mantuvieron las rutas marítimas tomadas y los pueblos tomados por sus habitantes. Rebecca Papaléo 1. Con el propósito de capacitar y fortalecer investigadores, para construir un tejido de actores comunitarios innovadores capaces de desarrollar sus territorios con enfoque en sus identidades culturales. A través de una metodología de casos de estudio con un enfoque mixto, se priorizan 4 casos relevantes: los territorios marino-costero, a fin Garífuna, rural y urbano.

En el caso rural se pone atención en la gestión de la agencia Ayuda en Acción, de orden internacional fundamentada en el apoyo al desarrollo y con un planteamiento desde los organismos de cooperación externa de cobertura nacional. Del mismo modo los impactos derivados de dicha gestión en los grupos previamente señalados. Transformaciones sociales, culturales y comunitarias ante la influencia del modelos de desarrollo turístico costero: El caso del la comunidad de Playas del Coco, Guanacaste.

Costa Rica. La comunidad de Playas del Coco se ubica en el distrito de Sardinal, cantón de Carrillo de la provincia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica; dicha comunidad es un ejemplo de cómo los modelos de desarrollo económicos basados en la promoción de la industria inmobiliaria y turísticas a gran escala, llegan a establecer nuevas formas de concebir el espacio, la cultura y la identidad en las comunidades.

Estas nuevas estructuras han reemplazado y movido a un segundo plano actividades sociales y económicas tradicionales de la comunidad, lo cual ha generado un impacto constante entre las nuevas generaciones de coqueños que conviven con el desarrollo del turismo en su comunidad.

Analizar el caso de Playas del Coco permitió recopilar opiniones, experiencias e identificar representaciones sociales surgidas a partir de de las transformaciones sociales, culturales y espaciales vividas en sus comunidades a raíz de la implementación de modelos de desarrollo económico globales. El territorio: producción social, nueva corporalidad social, el lugar y el urbanismo sin ciudad En la nueva era, hemos forjado un espacio a escala humana, se habla de una nueva corporalidad social.

El cuerpo humano, es el cuerpo de la sociedad como especie humana que se autoreproduce. Son nuestros sentidos, usos de la razón y objetos de deseo, los que se han modificado sustancialmente. Este cambio de la corporalidad es un cambio sustantivo para la interacción humana. Un objeto socio-técnico es un celular, por ejemplo. Un objeto que nos marca, nos da órdenes para manejarlos y se convierte en una extensión de nuestros cuerpos; una extensión social, un mecanismo de vida en el tiempo y modalidad de interrelación social.

Los sujetos sociales situados tienen objetos socio-técnicos, objetos instrumentales construidos de la vida social, algunos incorporados a los paisajes que son materiales y otros imaginarios. Las ciudades son el lugar principal que articula los territorios, y reformula la relación con lo rural y las jerarquías urbanas. Hay ciudades que ahora son globales. La transformación social del espacio-puerto en Santa Fe, argentina a partir de su urbanización Camila Blanc 1 1 - Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

A la hora de plantear nuestro problema, se nos hizo evidente la necesidad de pensarlo en el singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 plazo, concibiendo a la sociedad y sus configuraciones como producto de procesos históricos.

En consecuencia, nos propusimos, siguiendo los postulados de Norbert Elíasestudiar la sociogénesis del espacio-puerto. En cuanto a las fuentes teóricas utilizadas en el desarrollo de la investigación, nos hemos validos tanto de los aportes provenientes de la sociología urbana y como de la sociología del Estado.

A su vez, en cada uno de los momentos, se observaron tres dimensiones analíticas diferentes: tipo de vínculo e intervención estatal; tipo de agentes socio-económicos intervinientes y su relación con el Estado; vinculación del puerto con la ciudad de Santa Fe.

El efecto del valor de la vivienda y la satisfacción territorial en la movilidad residencial en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile A este escenario se le suma un alza constante en el precio de la vivienda en zonas que tradicionalmente eran consideradas económicas.

Este movimiento acelerado de los precios de adquisición inmobiliario debería tener un efecto sobre la redistribución de grupos socioeconómicos en el plano de la vivienda. Objetivo: El presente estudio busca determinar el efecto del valor de la propiedad sobre la propensión a mantenerse en la comuna de residencia actual. Metodología: Se desarrolló un estudio de tipo cuantitativo a partir de dos fuentes de información.

Ambas fuentes son homologables en el tiempo y comparables a nivel de comuna. Para la obtención de los resultados, se llevó a cabo un modelo de regresión multinomial que busca predecir la probabilidad de que un individuo se mantenga o no en la singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 de residencia actual dadas las variables de interés del estudio.

Resultados: Pendientes de entrega. Resultados estimados para Abril del Alessandra Marchioni 1. El uso social del derecho aparece como elemento esencial de producción y reproducción de esas estructuras, porque distingue lugares y posiciones sociales, a través de sus actos simbólicos de nombramiento, como las decisiones judiciales BOURDIEU, Abstract: La ponencia presenta los resultados de investigación del trabajo sobre las motilidades realizadas por vecinos y vecinas de Barrio Lujan y Barrio Escalante, barrios icónicos del Casco Central de la Ciudad de San José, Costa Rica.

Se busca a partir del concepto de motilidad, retornar el papel de las personas como los sujetos de la movilidad urbana; debatiendo acerca de la relación que pueda existir entre la movilidad urbana sustentable y la revalorización de los terrenos del centro de la ciudad a partir de la comprensión de procesos de repoblamiento del Casco Central de la Ciudad de San José.

Se parte para ello, de los enfoques críticos de la ciudad, las teorías sobre la ciudad compacta y dispersa, enfoques teóricos sobre movilidad urbana, y literatura sobre el fenómeno de la gentrificación a nivel mundial y para el caso latinoamericano. Para ello, se apuesta a la caracterización de una región metropolitana en una perspectiva relacional; es decir, enfatizando el entramado de relaciones entre los distintos actores sociales y sus intereses, sin dejar de lado la historicidad social del territorio.

Esta perspectiva integra elementos multi-escalares, los cuales por un lado, consisten en los procesos globales que condicionan la instalación de capitales principalmente externos, conformando diversos enclaves territoriales como el caso del proyecto: centros logísticos-industriales y Zonas-Francas.

Finalmente, los procesos locales que se relacionan con las subjetividades sociales, las cuales producen y significan el territorio de forma cotidiana. Actualmente el equipo se encuentra analizando los principales resultados; sin embargo, se puede observar una tendencia general a la configuración de territorios diversos y a la fragmentación del espacio.

Abstract: Esta investigación tiene por objetivo examinar las estrategias de asentamiento, así como los procesos de ayuda y solidaridad que han desarrollado las mujeres y varones asentados en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara. Los grupos familiares transnacionales analizados fueron 5 a los que se les dio seguimiento en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara con diversas estructuras y por diferentes ciclos de vida familiar que tienen por característica que los padres iniciaron su trayectoria migratoria entre los 15 y los 25 años solteros o emparejados y que procrearon hijos durante su trayectoria migratoria.

Las familias entrevistadas mantuvieron sus relaciones de vida entre la localidad de origen y la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara ZMGlo mismo que en diferentes lugares de Estados Unidos. Es un estudio de corte cualitativo desarrollado a partir la realización de una estancia en la ZMG por dos años, donde se tuvo la oportunidad de realizar entrevistas a profundidad entre el y el Pensando en en Tzvetan Todorov este es el descubrimiento que el yo hacen del otro yo quiero hacer de ese otro un yo.

Esto es por una parte lo que corresponde a los afrocolombianos que ingresan a nuestro país pero los afroamericanos son bastantes y se hace visibles por la población receptora, ellos llevan su frontera por donde quieran que vayan.

Debido a lo anterior comprendo las particularidades de la presencia de los afroamericanos en nuestra región, poniendo énfasis en lo espiritual y religioso; donde se pueden crear nuevas expresiones culturales de sanidad y religiosidad produciendo una mixtura afroindigina,afrourbana y afrorural.

Esta es una investigación cualitativa, con una técnica de investigación participante en el norte de chile, especificamente en la ciudad de Iquique en la comunda de Alto Hospicio. Migración haitiana hacia la frontera norte de México Abstract: A mediados del una oleada de migrantes haitianos y africanos llegaron a la frontera norte de México con la intención de solicitar asilo o refugio a Estados Unidos.

La gran mayoría procedían de Brasil, donde habían laborado durante varios años. Y otros cuatro mil se La llegada de estos migrantes, espacialmente en dos ciudades de Baja California, generó una movilización tanto de la sociedad civil como de las autoridades gubernamentales, singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 que se generó una crisis de atención coyuntural. Surgieron varios albergues para hacerle frente a la contingencia e intervino la federación.

Ante la perspectiva de no recibir protección por parte del gobierno estadounidense por la llegada de Donald Trump a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, de ser trasladados a centros de detención e incluso de ser deportados, muchos haitianos se quedaron decidieron quedarse singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 radicar temporalmente en la entidad, laborando en sectores informales y otros buscaron regularizar su situación en México.

Partimos del supuesto que fue la sociedad civil organizada la que evitó una posible crisis humanitaria en la región ante la indolencia del gobierno estatal como federal. Palabras Clave: migración internacional, organizaciones civiles, frontera México-Estados Unidos. México como país de destino para migrantes: los americanos en San Miguel de Allende Pero en nuestro país el fenómeno tiene otra arista muy importante que es su faceta como país de destino.

México tiene una larga tradición como un país de asilo, pero hace algunos lustros en San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato se ha establecido un enclave de ciudadanos americanos retirados que han cambiado el entrono de esta ciudad. El objetivo de este trabajo esn por una parte describir las características de este enclave y por otra identificar los efectos de la migración de retirados norteamericanos en los planos económico y social en San Miguel.

Migración de los países de la ex Unión Soviética con posterioridad a su disolución Lo específico de esta población es su alto grado de calificación por las posibilidades y exigencias de formación del modelo soviético. La emigración se centró en mejorar unas condiciones de vida críticas producto del fin de un régimen económico, social y político que proveía a la población de seguridades vitales de salud, educación, trabajo y reproducción cotidiana que, en contrapartida, exigía altos niveles de responsabilidad y compromiso en la formación profesional en orden a resolver las necesidades de un proyecto de desarrollo influenciado por la Guerra Fría en un mundo bipolar.

El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los factores de expulsión y de atracción a partir de la disolución del Bloque Soviético, la situación migratoria general y los flujos migratorios que relacionan a la FdR con casi todos los países del mundo.

Migrantes y Estados: un acercamiento a los proyectos y trayectorias migratorias de la población colombiana en Argentina. Abstract: La profundización y diversificación de la vigilancia y el control migratorio en EE UU y Europa, junto con la crisis económica global han impulsado ciertos cambios en la composición y dirección de las corrientes migratorias internacionales.

Países como Argentina, Brasil, y Chile se han convertido en destino de nuevas migraciones, tanto regionales como internacionales. Actualmente Hasta el momento son escasos los estudios realizados sobre la migración colombiana en Argentina. En relación a las experiencias, proyectos y trayectorias de la población migrante colombiana, nos preguntamos qué especificidades presentan sus proyectos migratorios, en relación a las variables de género, generación, clase social y origen; cómo y en qué sentido estos proyectos migratorios se van transformando a lo largo del tiempo, y de qué modo indicen en las trayectorias migratorias los encuentros y desencuentros de los y las migrantes con el Estado en sus distintas variantes.

México Abstract: Uno de los elementos que ha marcado el medio rural en México es y han sido las migraciones, ya sea que estas hayan dado origen a las nuevas comunidades o que ésta se haya convertido en la estragía económica privilegiada para su subsistencia. Este es el caso del rancho de Corralejo, cuya principal actividad económica gira en torno a la migración binacional y el impacto que esta ha tenido en la economía familiar y comunitaria de quienes participan de ella, así como los principales retos que enfrentan.

Migrantes centroamericanos en su paso por México Historicamente, Brasil e Venezuela foram países de acolhimento até meados do século XX. Brasileiras e venezuelanas possuem experiências migratórias distintas e representam diferentemente o pertencimento às unidades socioculturais.

Por que se dirigem ao interior? Em que setor de trabalho se inserem. A experiência migratória possibilita o aprendizado da língua da sociedade de destino e os agentes utilizam-se desse aprendizado como instrumento de poder que se revela na sociedade receptora. Desdepelo menos singles de vila velha processo seletivo 2017 educacao 2018 mil imigrantes haitianos tiveram no Brasil um país de trânsito ou de destino.

Esses aspectos têm um impacto, nas possibilidades e nos constrangimentos envolvidos nos deslocamentos. Com o objetivo de ilustrar e discutir o contexto teórico acima descrito, em termos mais empíricos, foram selecionados quatro casos de jovens imigrantes brasileiras na França. A técnica de entrevista utilizada foi a semi-dirigida.

La inclusión de otros sujetos migrantes como las mujeres y los grupos étnicos, combinada con el endurecimiento de la política migratoria por parte de los Estados Unidos son factores que han originado nuevas formas de analizar el fenómeno migratorio.

El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar este emergente tipo de migración signada por la inseguridad en México, la migración forzada, y los factores asociados con dicho desplazamiento, incluido el capital social pre-existente de los migrantes en Texas. La metodología es de tipo cualitativo, con entrevistas semi estructuradas y un enfoque fenomenológico, dada la intencionalidad de respeto por las palabras de los informantes.

Objetivo: De este modo, la presente investigación se orienta a sistematizar los temas, posiciones y actores en torno a la migración en Chile. En términos operativos, esta etapa contiene dos productos: una asociación de cada artículo con al menos un tema y una posición; breve descripción del contenido de cada tema y posición.

Aquí interesa observar regularidades en cuanto a qué temas son puestos en el debate sobre la migración. Los nuevos escenarios de la migración internacional en los jóvenes hidalguenses Abstract: La nueva situación en la región de destino de los migrantes mexicanos afecta sin lugar a dudas a las personas que viven en comunidades históricas o recién incorporadas al flujo migratorio.

Parecería ser que el transito podría significar un momento de total subordinación frente a la posibilidad de liberación que representa para la gran mayoría la salida Mezzadra,y que los elementos de autonomía se perderían por completo frente a las situaciones de violencia.

El marco teórico que fundamenta nuestra metodología es la autonomía de las migraciones Mezzadra, que, pensamos, aporta el tratar de ver en las mujeres no sólo un actor dependiente, pasivo y victimizado en los procesos migratorios.

Migrar para estudiar. El caso de jóvenes chilenos y colombianos migrantes en el sistema educativo superior argentino. Esta ponencia se propone describir y analizar el perfil de estos migrantes y dar cuenta de cómo se produce su inserción educativa.

Estrategia que, en muchas ocasiones, es analizada y decidida desde el propio seno familiar. Asimismo, nos preguntaremos por la selección del destino, la temporalidad de la migración, las transformaciones en torno a la vida del migrante tomando en consideración el ciclo vital de los mismos, la conformación o no de redes transnacionales.

El estado de las cosas: transmigrantes centroamericanos en México. Se ocupan en labores del campo con terratenientes de la zona, en condiciones de trabajo de explotación y una vida de miseria. Hasta este momento, la situación no es algo de lo que haya inquietud, el gobierno mexicano instala puestos migratorios pero no es un problema relevante para las instancias gubernamentales.

Llegamos así a un tercer momento en que el flujo de migrantes centroamericanos se incrementó de manera importante, las deportaciones se han convertido en una constante. La presencia de mujeres es notable, así como de menores, y menores no acompañados, niños de 8 años que han sido detectados en los albergues cuando bajan del tren para descansar unos días y continuar su trayecto. De ahí que el objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la acción del estado mexicano que en su plano formal garantiza en el artículo primero de la Constitución Federal el que toda persona disfruta de los derechos sea nacionales o extranjeros por solo pisar el suelo mexicano, pero que en los hechos violenta.

Sin embargo, debido a la presión del gobierno estadounidense y sus políticas migratorias han presionado al gobierno mexicano a que controle su frontera sur. Notas acerca das migrações internacionais no século New York: Basic Books, Trabalhadores do conhecimento e qualidade do lugar em Campinas — SP. La migración internacional en América Latina y el Caribe : tendencias y perfiles de los migrantes.

In: Serie Población y Desarrollo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Migración internacional altamente cualificada. El caso de las-os profesionales de la medicina de Latinoamérica en España Abstract: La presente ponencia parte del trabajo doctoral en Sociología que indaga por las trayectorias de las-os médicas-os latinoamericanas-so que ejercen su carrera legalmente en España. De las experiencias y reflexiones de estas-os profesionales emergen factores estructurales e interseccionales que configuran sus itinerarios migrantes.

Asimismo, este privilegio es feminizado y mayoritariamente de blancas-os y blancas-os mestizas-os, con minorías afrodescendientes e indígenas.

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In his history of the Renaissance as a historical concept, Wallace Ferguson credited Petrarch with conflating models drawn from civic and sacred history to posit the tripartite division of time into the ancient Greco-Roman world, an intervening "dark age," and the contemporary, incipient revival. Beginning with Petrarch, the two major tools for the humanist restoration of ancient standards of literary culture became scholarship, for the purification of model texts, and imitation, as a guide for the development of the moderns see Ulivi, 9.

Ferguson's view of Petrarch as the source of humanist theories of alienation from antiquity is echoed by Greene, who sees Petrarch as the founder of the "humanist hermeneutic," the recognition that classical texts had a meaning in ancient times that can be recuperated only through scholarship, not through the atemporal allegorical and anagogic modes of interpretation practiced during the Middle Ages.

Greene takes as paradigmatic Petrarch's description of a stroll through Rome, in the course of which he evokes the historical associations of the mounds and ruins he encounters. The passage echoes the eighth book of the Aeneid in which, as Aeneas walks through the site of the future Rome, the poet cites the buildings and monuments that will some day stand in the same locations.

But Petrarch's retrospective tour, by emphasizing the decayed state of the scene, also underlines the fact that Rome is gone for good, and that its former magnificence can only be imagined. Thus singles de carroll county md jobs hiring as he imitates Virgil, Petrarch recognizes the gulf of radical discontinuity that separates them and locates in that gulf his own freedom, his alterity from both antiquity and the middle ages.

Thus as we have already seen in Bembo, archaeology—whether literary or architectural—would become the model science of the Renaissance: Yet if Petrarch was responsible for the tripartite view of history through a self-representation as the one who began the revival of antiquity, subsequent generations often denied him that honor. As Ferguson shows 22—24a succession of later humanists excluded. Singles de carroll county md jobs hiring and Boccaccio from their ranks, relegating both of them to the benighted middle ages while fixing the beginning of the revival in their own generation.

This continual, rhetorical postponement of the "renaissance" allows them comfortably to predict future achievements that will equal the ancients even as they emphasize their own attempts to begin to make up for the defects of the past.

Ferguson's account of the history of humanist self-consciousness makes several important points. First, it recalls the connection established by Petrarch himself between politics and culture, which led later writers such as Bruni to remark on the lag between the rates of political and cultural development, and which was to have important consequences outside Italy.

Second, it points out the overt sense of deficiency by comparison to antiquity, constantly cited as the standard; although there is contempt for what the humanists saw as the dark age that followed the collapse of Rome, there is also an implicit feeling of insecurity about their own age, only tenuously distinguished from that which preceded it.

Third, it emphasizes that the beginning of the restoration of letters was variously dated, with the proclamation of a revival attaining the status of a trope. By constantly reappropriating Petrarch's idea of a renaissance as a defense against antiquity, the later humanists betray their chronic feeling of insecurity about the present when compared to the ancient past, and to the true pioneer humanists whom they attempt to ignore; by bringing forward the time of the rebirth, it is made to seem as if the moderns have had less time to catch Up.

I argue that this tendency represented an attempt to excuse their own shortcomings, their own failure to achieve according to the antique standards that they themselves had reestablished, and the desire on the part of the later humanists for a degree of priority.

How to account for the seeming inability to compose literary monuments on a par with those of antiquity? One way was to pretend continually that they lived at only the beginning of the revival, that they were the pioneers, and thus that they were only laying the groundwork for future generations.

Naïve attempts to recreate antique literature, however, were doomed to failure. Greene draws our attention to what he calls heuristic imitations that—like Petrarch's stroll through Rome—underline the gap between cultures, and he quotes extensively from Pe.

Borrowing from Cicero, Petrarch advises an imitator to be like a bee, tasting from various flowers but transforming the nectar into a honey all its own. I have read Virgil, Flaccus, Severinus, Tullius not once but countless times, nor was my reading rushed but leisurely, pondering them as I went with all the powers of my intellect; I ate in the morning what I would digest in the evening, I swallowed as a boy what I would ruminate upon as an older man.

I have thoroughly absorbed these writings, implanting them not only in my memory but in my marrow, and they have so become one with my mind that were I never to read them for the remainder of my life, they would cling to me, having taken root in the innermost recesses of my mind. Here Petrarch stresses the transformatory aspect of imitation and the need to be true to one's personal style. Elsewhere, he warns against slavish imitation, comparing it with wearing someone else's clothing; in contrast, he claims to prefer his own "garment," however rude and ill-cut.

To Greene this passage constitutes evidence of Petrarch's strong sense of the self, and of its expression through an individual style; the successful assimilation of models along these lines characterizes the best poetry of a humanist period that extends to the eighteenth century 97— Summarizing Petrarch's contribution to the development of humanist inferiority as a cultural phenomenon, Greene argues that the "humanist poet is not a neurotic son crippled by a Freudian family romance, which is to say he is not in Harold Bloom's terms Romantic.

He is rather like the son in a classical comedy who displaces the father at the moment of reconciliation" But Greene takes too benevolent a view of father-son relationships when he offers the singles de carroll county md jobs hiring letter to explain the connection between imitation and sonhood:. An imitator must take care to write something similar yet not identical to the original, and that similarity must not be like the image to. While often very different in their individual features, they have a certain something our painters call an "air," especially noticeable about the face and eyes, that produces a resemblance; seeing the son's face, we are reminded of the father's.

We must thus see to it that if there is something similar, there is also a great deal that is dissimilar, and that the similar be elusive.

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Although the father-son model of imitation is, like that of the bee, taken from Seneca, Petrarch's particular use of it here skirts close to the very family romance that Greene finds of no relevance. Like the earlier tropes emphasizing the imitator's divergence from models his own suit of clothes, however ill-fitting; his own honey, made of the nectar gathered from many flowersthis one stresses both singles de carroll county md jobs hiring and difference. Slavish imitation is likened to mimesis, but while the possibility of deviating from the prototype offers some comfort, the analogy between model and father, and imitation and son, suggests that the model poet engenders the imitator, and this relationship of direct dependency is closer to medieval notions of midgets on the shoulders of giants than to the humanist hermeneutic.

Moreover, the reader's constant back-and-forth comparison between imitation and model, to Pigman a sign of competitive emulation 26hardly eases the anxiety of poets attempting to compete with the great writers of the past.

The father-son model established in the letter on imitation underlies Petrarch's letter about Dante. There, Petrarch compares the Tuscan poet to his own father, both of whom were exiled from Florence at the same time: Because of Petrarch's own thirst for fame and his resentment about life in Avignon, he imagines Dante as a fantasy father, more appropriate than his own.

Yet he then denies that relationship by asserting that he never imitated Dante. The purpose of the letter which is addressed to Boccaccio is to defend. Petrarch concedes that there are grounds for the allegation, but goes on to justify his behavior:. While always passionately hunting for other books with little hope of finding them, I was strangely indifferent to this one, which was singles de carroll county md jobs hiring and easily available.

I admit this to be so, but deny that it was for the reasons that they give. At the time I too was devoted to the same kind of writing in the vernacular; I considered nothing more elegant and had yet to learn to look higher, but I singles de carroll county md jobs hiring fear that, were I to immerse myself in his, or any other's, writings, being of an impressionable age so given to indiscriminate admiration, I could scarcely escape becoming an unwilling or unconscious imitator.

This one thing I do wish to make clear, for if any of my vernacular writings resembles, or is identical to, anything of his or anyone else's, it cannot be attributed to theft or imitation, which I have avoided like reefs, especially in vernacular works, but to pure chance or similarity of mind, as Tullius calls it, which caused me unwittingly to follow in another's footsteps.

Like the romantic poets Harold Bloom studies, Petrarch here tries carefully to hide his debts, a task made harder by his clear dependence on the Vita nuova and the Commedia for the plan of his own Rime sparse. Instead, predecessors become dangerous and imitation an unavoidable snare for the unwary singles de carroll county md jobs hiring.

In contrast to his earlier admission of casually reading minor authors and studying the major ones until they became part of him, he now denies ever being an imitator, and where similarity to a model was earlier explained on a genetic basis, Petrarch now resorts to the mimetic imitation of a similar reality, or even happenstance, to account for the resemblance of his works to Dante's.

In the same letter Petrarch also emphasizes his turn to Latin and away from the vernacular, attempting to elevate himself above Dante, who had followed just the opposite path in his career. Dismissing the notion that he is envious of Dante's popularity, Petrarch becomes shrill and unconvincing: I fully realize how little. Forgetting singles de carroll county md jobs hiring republican principles, Petrarch here resorts to the tropes of vituperatioportraying himself as a literary aristocrat appealing even in the vernacular to the more cultivated tastes of those who can appreciate Virgil and Homer which is to say few indeed, as Petrarch himself probably did not know Greek.

This letter, written at roughly the same time as his letters on imitation, gives us a very different image of Petrarch, struggling not with the ancients but with the living legacy of a more recent poet. The transparent defenses against Dante reveal the identity of his true poetic father and force Petrarch to employ every sort of reproach in his rhetorical warehouse.

Just as his descriptions of the imitative process heuristically refer to both his Latin and his vernacular poetry, so too this letter reveals how even the strongest and most successful imitator can feel anxiety about his task. Reviewing Petrarch's letters on imitation and the one on Dante, we can distinguish between two distinct reactions to his predecessors. The first is a sense of being inferior or deficient in comparison to the achievements of the ancients; this is what Harold Bloom calls "cultural belatedness" Map77—80and it became a defining feature of the Renaissance.

Although Petrarch clearly looks up to their achievements and feels that his own culture as a whole has no comparable attainments, he is not ashamed to admit he has read their work. Indeed, he uses the digestive trope to emphasize how much labor he expended on study of the principal classical authors, to the point that they have been absorbed and transformed into a part of himself; in actuality, it is the very gulf between them that allows him the freedom to imitate these models in the fashion that Greene dubbed "heuristic.

Dante is threatening to Petrarch in a much more immediate way than were the classical authors because his works, however rough Petrarch may judge their language to be, are the towering accomplishment of Italian vernacular literature, and in textual, structural, and mythic terms they are a necessary model for Petrarch's own work.

Thus his feelings about Dante constitute what. Bloom calls feelings of poetic belatedness, a nagging sense that the dead predecessor has formed oneself, and is even now speaking through one's own voice. Petrarch's shrillness regarding Dante is striking compared to his generosity about ancient authors; poetic belatedness is a much more emotional phenomenon than humanist belatedness, singles de carroll county md jobs hiring for that very reason, in a strong poet it produces greater results.

Shifting to Bembo, we can now appreciate the full implications of transfer to the vernacular of the tripartite model of history, and its attendant sense of humanist cultural belatedness.

Bembo in the Prose explicates Petrarch's texts in terms of a rather idiosyncratic set of linguistic theories that were to have relatively little influence; what was influential was his designation of trecento Tuscan as the national literary language. Similarly, however much Bembo's theories of imitation may have been motivated by the need for well-trained writers in a papal chancery that was shifting its language of operation from Latin to Italian see Donisotti's introduction to Bembo's Prose e rime36; and more recently Partner, —44Bembo's argument is presented in terms of a myth of decline, and a proposal to stem the decline by reversing Petrarch's own self-proclaimed move from the vernacular into Latin.

By using this myth, however, Bembo runs the risk of conflating the cultural belatedness of the humanists with the poetic belatedness Petrarch felt about his vernacular predecessor and rival.

By crystallizing this union, Bembo transforms Petrarch from a mere linguistic model one whose example is to be "followed," in Pigman's terms into a classical model subject to transformation and competitive emulation. Yet if he burdens the Renaissance vernacular poet with Petrarch as a type of poetic father, he also provides that poet the freedom inherent in the humanist hermeneutic. This distance allows writers to make of Petrarch what they will; however much Bembo may have meant Petrarchism to be a sociolinguistic concept, Petrarchism—particularly outside Italy—can take on a variety of generic, stylistic, thematic, and even ethical dimensions.

The freedom of the foreign imitator, however, is conditioned by the horizons offered by the national tradition; hence, we must turn our attention from Italy to the country that is the focus of this study, and examine the construction of a Castilian literary singles de carroll county md jobs hiring in the late fifteenth century. Petrarchism outside Italy is necessarily different, for Bembo's linguistic prescription—that literary composition should employ the Tuscan dialect of the trecento—cannot be transferred where the adoption of Petrarch as a model necessarily involves a change of language, and where his influence is mediated through a different set of conditions on both literary and extraliterary levels.

Spanish alterity arises from just such an interplay of social and literary factors: Spain, the first unified nation-state in Europe and for more than a century the most powerful, early on attained a self-conscious national literature.

This process coincided with the completion of the so-called Reconquest of Granada, even as an intimate relationship with Italy brought a perception of Italian cultural superiority. Far from diminishing Petrarch's role as a model, alterity expands the ways in which he can be imitated, as imitators look beyond the linguistic surface that was Bembo's main concern: Petrarch was repeatedly a source of poetic renewal, as poets continuously reread, reinterpreted, and reappropriated his work.

The new horizons led to imitations that at their worst fixated on the decorative aspects of Petrarch's style, but at their best looked to the organization of the Rime sparse as a macrotext and, in exceptional cases, tackled the profound issues of love, morality, and individuation that troubled Petrarch himself.

Humanist belatedness, while not unique to Italy, necessarily acquired different characteristics in other countries, resulting in the elevation of different topoi to the status of master tropes.

Italians, for example, regarded the Romans as their ancestors, so the death and rebirth of ancient culture, while influenced by external invasions, were viewed as national concerns and expressed through the trope of the tripartite model of history. To scholars such as Curtius, the very idea of the "Middle Ages" is "a coinage of the Italian humanists and only comprehensible from their point of view" The "Renaissance" was a strictly Italian affair, and "the concept that Spain, France, Germany, and so on, experienced 'Renaissances' is to be rejected.

It is true, however, that these countries had one or more waves of 'Italianism'—which was the export form of the Italian Renaissance" 34 n. Yet by acknowledging the existence of cultural. According to this theory, the center of learning shifts periodically and moves gradually to the west: The Italian revival might be a continuation of Rome, but, viewed from abroad, a Renaissance in France or Spain indicates a new movement farther to the west, so French or Spanish humanists had to posit a translatio studii that lagged behind the translatio imperiiwhich had already been accomplished.

Thus, like the trope of humanist belatedness, that of the translatio serves as much as a sign of hidden worries about the lack of priority, as an effective antidote.

Moreover, it prompts an added degree of anxiety, for as a cyclical scheme of history it implies an eventual downfall for the very nations that use it to account for their rise.

As Italian humanist ideas spread abroad, they carried with them, as Johan Nordstroem put it, Italian notions about the importance and superiority of Italian civilization, and a disdainful attitude regarding "barbarians" who lived beyond the Alps The result of appropriating such Italian ideas may be termed "displacedness," a geographical sense of national inferiority parallel to the historical sense of belatedness.

In Spain a tradition of classical scholarship existed throughout the late medieval period, particularly in the wake of contacts fostered with Avignon during the reign of the Spaniard Pedro de Luna as Benedict XIII. Ottavio Di Camillo, adapting Ferguson's model to Spain, shows how these efforts remained largely "prehumanistic," for scholars did not conceive of themselves as renewers of antiquity; rather, they viewed the past ahistorically, minimizing the gap that.

Only in the wake of Inñigo López de Mendoza, marqués de Santillana —did a more thoroughgoing, but still indigenous, form of humanist belatedness arise. In his "Proemio e carta"—the preface to an anthology of his poetic works, written in the late s—Santillana presents a panoramic history of poetry from the ancients to his own day.

Singles de carroll county md jobs hiring twelve-hundred-year gap he posits between the ancients and the moderns suggests the tripartite division of history that opens the way for the humanist hermeneutic, but by and large his is a chronologically and geographically inclusive list.

Though deeply involved in the political events of his day, Santillana does not link the situation of Spanish poetry to military attainments, or view literary history in terms of a translatio studii that would set up an opposition between Spain and Italy. Similarly, Santillana's sonnets, though considerable poetical achievements in their own right, show an eclectic approach to imitation, and while permeated with Petrarchisms as decorative devices, they do not struggle to appropriate Petrarch as a single, privileged model.

Yet Santillana's importance to Spanish humanist self-consciousness stems as much from the posthumous praise of his followers as from his own accomplishments. In a letter written after Santillana's death, his nephew the poet Gómez Manrique pictures him as the first to join the cuirass to the gown, and as figuratively tearing ignorance from the fabric of Spain, while Pero Díaz de Toledo singles de carroll county md jobs hiring that more than anyone else in Spain this nobleman exercised himself so as to perpetuate his fame through both his wise writings and his extraordinary acts of chivalry — Even more interesting, as Di Camillo points out, are the comments of Diego de Burgos in Schiff, — By attributing the revival of learning to Santillana, Burgos employs a trope already well established in Italian humanist circles; but Di Camillo is correct in underlining its significance, for Burgos uses it to set up an opposition between Italy and Spain.

With language that anticipates later writers, he depicts Santillana as a warrior successfully looting that eloquence which was formerly the property of the Italians and bringing it to Castile, where now it begins to Flourish. Thus as Di Camillo concludes, with the de. Yet if fifteenth-century humanist belatedness was primarily indigenous, it was transcended at the end of the century by national developments that led to a more complex relationship with Italy.

As Di Camillo observed, in humanist rhetoric Antonio de Nebrija ca. By the end of the fifteenth century, the homogenization of Spain was clearly at hand, as the dynastic union of the crowns of Aragon and Castile presaged the imminent conquest of Granada and the expulsion of the Jews.

With it came Castilian hegemony in linguistic as in political matters, but with it too came an internationalist attitude previously associated with Aragon.

To both Nebrija and Encina, literary history lags behind Spanish political and military achievements, and they contrast cultural shortcomings singles de carroll county md jobs hiring Italian achievements. By casting both political and literary history in terms of a translatiothey seek to predict that literary accomplishments will eventually catch up with military ones. But in the process they reveal a rivalry with Italy for cultural legitimacy, based on feelings of belatedness and displacedness, and they burden Spanish culture with fear of eventual decline and extinction.

Castile seemed to be at its political and military peak, ready at last to look outside itself; and the most immediate opportunities lay in Africa and Italy, each in its own way symbolic of Spain's cultural heritage. Ferdinand's Italian policy was to yield, within a decade, the deposition of his Neapolitan cousins and the absorption of southern Italy by the Spanish crown.

The new international prominence of Spain and its focus on Italy leave their mark on Nebrija's grammar, which emerges as the first document of Spanish cultural belatedness and thus of the Spanish Renaissance. Siempre la lengua fue compañera del imperio; y de tal manera lo siguió, que junta mente començaron, crecieron y florecieron, y después junta fue la caída de entrambos. Language was always the companion of empire, and followed it such that together they began, singles de carroll county md jobs hiring they grew and flourished, and later together they fell.

To substantiate this assertion of connection and cycle, Nebrija proceeds to a historical survey of the great political and linguistic powers of the past, combining military and literary accomplishments. Abraham spoke the Chaldean language of his birthplace, which, mixed with Egyptian, resulted in Hebrew at the same time that the Jews were constituted a nation. Moses was the first to philosophize and write in the language; from there it flourished, reaching its zenith during the peaceful reign of Solomon, after which, with the disintegration of the Jewish state, it declined.

After the Jews the Greeks were the next to attain hegemony, a process that began with Orpheus and continued after the Trojan War with Homer and Hesiod, reaching its apogee at the time of Alexander the Great, when poets, orators, and philosophers gave the Greeks mastery of all the arts and sciences. With the dissolution of his empire, the Romans became their masters, and then simultaneously the Greek language began to dissipate and Latin to grow strong Latin had its childhood with the city's foundation, and began to flourish at the time of.

Livius Andronicus some five hundred years later. Thence it grew until the pax romana of Augustus, which was also the time of the birth of Christ, in a period of peace foretold by the prophets and prefigured by Solomon's own reign. Then flourished Cicero, Caesar, Lucretius, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Livy, and all the others who followed until the time of Antoninus Pius, when the decline set in that ultimately resulted in the corrupt Latin of Nebrija's own day.

Nebrija employs these cycles from the past to establish a structure that he can apply to the situation of Spain. In singles de carroll county md jobs hiring of that motive, the history he provides cannot be taken at face value, for it exists only to substantiate the pattern he wishes to defend.

Thus, although his rhetoric is historical rather than metaphysical, the model he employs is essentially typological. He cites literary figures to support his argument of linguistic and cultural domination, and while avoiding theories of divine inspiration Moses and Orpheus are merely the first writers in their respective traditionshe echoes the trope of the translatio imperii along with its accompanying translatio studii.

This echo is particularly evident in his exposition of the transition from Greece to Rome, motivated by the dissipation of Alexander's empire, which in turn made possible the Roman conquest of Greece. At the same time, Nebrija extends the decline forward to his own day, so that the ancient traditions have not totally disappeared, though they have been corrupted.

On the one hand, as the first nation to decay, they have sunk the farthest, and thus they serve as a warning to the Castilians, appropriate in the year of the expulsion. On the other hand, Nebrija successfully privileges them: Contemporary Jews still awaiting a Messiah may not realize it, but the fulfillment of their history occurred precisely at the apogee of Roman military and cultural power.

The language had its childhood, associated with the laws of León and Castile, and it showed its strength at the time of Alfonso the Wise, not only because of his General estoria and Siete partidas but also because he fostered the translation of works from Latin and Arabic into Castilian.

This support gave it the strength to spread to Aragon and Navarre and even to Italy, "siguiendo la compañía de los infantes que embiamos a imperar en aquellos reinos" following the company of the princes we sent to rule in those kingdoms, It has reached its fullness in the reign of the present monarchs, through divine generosity but also because their diligent efforts have insured that the parts and members of Spain have been reunited.

The subsequent religious purgation of Spain should guarantee its freedom from dissolution for hundreds of years; thus it is time for the arts of peace to flourish. On this note Nebrija connects the current situation of Spain to the situation of those earlier empires at their apogee, with verbal echoes reinforcing the typology: Yet Nebrija also employs this connection to modulate from the history of the rise of Castile to its threatened decline.

The first art of peace is language, yet Castilian remains "suelta y fuera de regla, y a esta causa a recebido en pocos siglos muchas mudanças; por que si la queremos cotejar con la de oi a quinientos años, hallaremos tanta diferencia y diversidad cuanta puede ser maior entre dos lenguas" loose and unregulated, and for this reason it has changed a great deal in just a few centuries; thus if we compare the language of today to that of five hundred years hence, we will see as many differences as exist between two languages, Time is thus spatialized: Their majesties' chronicles and histories, written to ensure their immortality, would eventually expire along with the language, or survive weakened in translations.

Yet this decline need not occur, for the language has a champion in Nebrija, who has decided to regulate the Castilian tongue, so that whatever is written from then on may be of one kind, which can extend itself through time.

The grammar will also help those wanting to learn Latin and, more importantly, foreigners wanting to learn Castilian. Nebrija recalls how, when he presented a sample to the queen and she inquired about its utility, the bishop of Avila Hernando de Talavera, later first archbishop of Granada answered for him that as she subjected new lands to her yoke, foreigners would need to be able to read the laws she decreed. The extent of the empire Nebrija envisions is clear: The key to Nebrija's concept of history is his notion that Castile is at a pivotal instant, which he links typologically to the rule of Solomon in Israel, Alexander in Greece, and Augustus in Rome.

Not all nations achieve this moment, and it has literally moved westward and arrived in Spain. It is the time when great empires come into their own, but also when they begin to decline; and while ordinarily political dominance is accompanied by cultural hegemony, in Spain's case the latter feature is lagging.

Nebrija's grammar will facilitate the extension of the Spanish empire by allowing foreigners to learn the language, and its perpetuation by insuring that future generations will always be able to read it. Yet although the thrust of Nebrija's argument is clear, his method is subtle in its equivocations. The nature and the workings of the cycle are ambiguous, for the argument is mythological rather than scientific, and only in the case of Rome's conquest of Greece does he suggest how dominance is passed on.

Language change is invoked only in terms of decline, and Nebrija's philological explanation of how Spanish evolved from Latin, present in other parts of the grammar, is absent from the prologue. Moreover, in contrast to the quick succession of Greece and Rome, the fourteen-hundred-year lag between singles de carroll county md jobs hiring latter and Spain begs a question about the regularity of the cycle, and the sense of belatedness is implicit in that Spain, supposedly at its singles de carroll county md jobs hiring, has nothing to rival classical and biblical literature.

Yet while a decline in Spanish fortunes would seem an imminent and inevitable feature of the cycle, Nebrija holds out an uncertain promise for the sovereigns: Although Nebrija never invokes the argument over arms and letters, he implies an ambiguous role for the aristocracy, on the one hand continuing to extend Spain's rule over neighboring countries, on the other, wasting their precious leisure reading novels and stories for lack of better alternatives.

The empire can be extended only if Nebrija is successful in regulating the language of all Spaniards, so his function as grammarian will parallel that of the nobility as warriors.

In rhetoric, style, and ideology the prologue stands apart from the rest of the grammar, for there is something nearly apocalyptic in Nebrija's attitude regarding the translatioa suggestion that Spain may—perhaps because it is the westernmost European country—be its fulfillment and thus escape the fated decline.

It is this suggestion that led Américo Castro to infer a Semitic background for Nebrija's prologue, asserting that "the Hebraico-Islamic. Nebrija, instrumental in bringing the press to Salamanca, was surely aware of its capabilities for aiding the exercise of control over the national language.

Yet such messianism is absent from the rest of the grammar, even from the special prologue to book 5, devoted to the teaching of Spanish to foreigners. Moreover, throughout the grammar, but particularly in the chapter de. These issues are taken up and given a more specifically literary refraction in the "Arte de poesía castellana" by Nebrija's probable student Juan del Encina, first printed in Encina's Cancionero published in Salamanca by the printer of Nebrija's grammar in Encina's Cancionero is notable in Spanish literary history as the first major published collection of secular poetry by a living author; his close links with Nebrija's circle in Salamanca suggest that Encina himself may have supervised the edition.

The general prologue dedicates the entire book to the Catholic monarchs:. Y assí yo, desta manera, viéndome con favor del duque y duquesa de Alva, mis señores, subí a la gran altura de la contemplación de vuestras ecelencias por alcançr siquiera una centella de su resplandor, para poder, en mi muerta labor y de barro, introduzir espíritus vitales.

The ancient mythological poets say that Prometheus son of Iapetus, accustomed to making human bodies out of mud, rose to heaven with Minerva's help and took from the wheel of the sun some fire with which he gave life and soul to those bodies.

And so I, in this way, seeing myself in favor with the duke and duchess of Alba, my lords, rose to the heights of contemplating your excellencies by reaching just a spark of your splendor, so as to introduce vital spirits into my dead labor of mud. In this opening image, masterfully analyzed by Andrews 85—91Encina exhibits the combination of obsequiousness and arrogance.

The amplificatiooften achieved through doublings "antiguos y fabulosos," "ayuda y favor"fails to obscure the keystone of the analogy "assí yo"through which Encina identifies himself with Prometheus. By the repetition of the word "favor," his current patrons are reduced to types of Minerva, boosting him up to heaven, with which the monarchs are identified, while he associates his work of poetic creation with Prometheus's divine creation of life.

As Andrews notes, "The exaltation of the King and Queen is not 'free,' but is intermeshed with considerations of personal import. As one who has contemplated their excellence, who has tapped the moving force of their effective virtue and who has handled a flash of their brightness, Encina enters the realm of the select servants of their divine magnificence" The message is clear: Yet the prologue is also permeated with a fear of rejection, expressed in what Andrews called "a humility almost without modesty" 90and in warnings about "detratores y maldizientes" detractors and gossips, 1.

These psychological themes, in particular a love-hate relationship with the nobility coupled with a fear of slanderers, pervade many of the works in the volume. Nebrija, despite a reliance on aristocratic patronage, was ultimately a technocrat, offering philological skills to the monarchs whom he proposed to serve. Encina, by the nature of his artistic talents, was more directly dependent on patronage, so he attempts from the start to coopt the nobility with a theory of ocioor aristocratic leisure see Andrews, 71—72; López Estrada.

Like Nebrija, Encina proposes to ameliorate the quality of Spanish literature; but while the former had aimed to improve what was available for the nobility's consumption during its moments of leisure, the latter proposes to make poetry an aristocratic activity by regulating that leisure. He opens the "Arte" by providing himself with a classical antecedent, Cicero's description of Scipio the Elder, "que dezía nunca estar menos ocioso que cuando estava ocioso" who declared he was never less leisured than when he was at leisure, 1.

Poetry requires not just talent but also skills that must be mastered, and which Encina proposes to teach, claiming to have written the treatise "por donde se pueda sentir lo bien o mal trobado, y para enseñar a trobar en nuestra lengua, si enseñar se puede, porque es muy gentil exercicio en el tiempo de ociosidad" so that good verse may be told from the bad, and to teach how to write verse in our language, if such a thing may be taught, for it is a very gentle exercise for moments of leisure, 1.

Thus the aristocratic poet must embrace poetic work instead of military and governmental tasks. Yet Encina does not picture this departure as a radical one, for he describes Prince John, the son of the Catholic monarchs to whom the "Arte" is dedicated, as raised in the lap of sweet philosophy, favoring the ingenuity of his subjects, and inciting them to knowledge with himself as the example 1. Thus Encina links the abundance of ocio back to the typological role of the kings, earlier exploited by Nebrija.

With false modesty, Encina promises the prince that if he desires. Having established this didactic aim and connected it to the historical moment, Encina describes yet another reason for writing the work.

Specifically recalling Nebrija's attempts to reform the language through a printed set of rules, he presents his own efforts as a parallel:. Creyendo nunca aver estado tan puesta en la cumbre nuestra poesía y manera de trobar, parecióme ser cosa muy provechosa ponerla en. Believing our poetry and manner of verse never to have been at such a height, it seemed to me a useful thing to codify it and place it under rules and laws, so that no passage of time can cause it to be forgotten.

To reinforce the danger of oblivion, Encina declares that while previous Spanish poets may have surpassed his contemporaries, he is ignorant of their work. Instead he offers a history of poetry, beginning with its divine origin as understood by the Greeks and as evidenced in the Bible. The former attributed its origins to Apollo, Mercury, Bacchus, and the Muses, while much of the Old Testament was written in verse, and in view of the anteriority of the Hebrews to the Greeks, Moses can rightly be called the first poet see Curtius, —46, — Encina also cites generals who exhorted their troops by means of speeches in verse and recalls how Orpheus moved stones with his poetry, how other poets had their lives spared because of their verses, and the high esteem both Greeks and Romans had for their poets.

This historical discussion of the origins of ancient poetry ends with an account of meter and rhyme in ancient Christian hymnody, which Encina sees as the genesis of modern vernacular poetry; but he asserts that the Spanish received it only through the mediation of the Italians:.

Moreover, it seems clear that in the Italian language were poets much more ancient than those in our own, such as Dante and Francis Petrarch and other notable men who came before and after, from whom many of ours took a great quantity of singular ideas, which theft, as. Virgil says, should not be criticized but is worthy of much praise, when it is gallantly made from one language into another.

Thus we may conclude that verse drew its strength in Italy, and from there was broadcast and sown in Spain, where I now believe it flourishes more than in any other place. With this transition to the modern Italians, who pass the art of poetizing on to the Spanish, Encina also modulates into the notions of belatedness and of the translatio.

Once again there is a gap between ancient Rome and Spain, only this time it is partly filled with Christian hymns and with Dante and Petrarch. As in Nebrija, culture is linked to empire, and to effect the translatio Spanish poets literally have to sack or rob their Italian predecessors, carrying the booty back to Spain.

This action is justified with an indirect and pseudo- Virgilian quotation, which also reinforces the link between Rome and Spain first established through the allusion to Cicero that opened the "Arte.

This selectivity allows Encina to employ the same historical scheme as Nebrija and to present Spain as the true heir of Greece and Rome, an aspect he highlights by referring to Quintilian as "nuestro Quintiliano" because of his birth on the Iberian peninsula, and by emphasizing that the Spanish language is descended from Latin see López Estrada, Italy was the source of Spanish poetry, but by fertilizing Spain, Italy lost potency.

Now it is the Spanish who are on the ascent, but they must compete with the prior Italian achievement in order to surpass it and at the same time regulate their singles de carroll county md jobs hiring art in order to assure its comprehension by future generations.

Having justified the work in terms of a larger historical vision, Encina now turns to more immediate didactic ends, and here the discussion of poetry changes from the mythical accounts of its origin to more familiar Horatian precepts.

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He defends, by appealing to the examples of Horace and Quintilian, the need for an artesingles de carroll county md jobs hiring. Indeed, drawing on the contrast between composer and performer, geometer and stonemason, he argues for a distinction between the poeta and the trobador: Ever aware of his royal audience, Encina even here attempts to couch his argument in ways that would singles de carroll county md jobs hiring to the nobility, extending the analogy to include singles de carroll county md jobs hiring and slave, captain and soldier.

He warns that the distinction is not much observed in Spain, and while he himself sometimes neglects it, the point is an important one, for in contrast to the confidence in the opening chapter about the position of Spanish letters, we now get a sense of confusion, of the need for rules and, even more, for the public recognition of rules. They must be acknowledged by the talented, and are best nurtured by reading:.

He should exercise himself by reading poets and historians not only in our language but also in Latin; and, as Quintilian says, not only read them but discuss their style and ideas and figures, for there is nothing the poet will read that he will not take advantage of for that abundance which is necessary to him.

Most of the rest of the treatise is taken up with technical matters, such as meter, line lengths, and the like.

The fundamental unit of verse is the line, or piecomposed of either eight or twelve syllables respectively, arte real and arte mayor. Encina also discusses the division of arte mayor into hemistichs, the use of pies quebrados four-syllable half-linesand the rules for consonant and assonant rhyme. He admits the possibility of rhyming proverbio with sobervio rhyme is based on sound, not orthographyand advises against internal and repetitious rhymes. Lines of verse may be gathered into units of two, three, or more; only those units with at least four lines may.

Thus here, as in Nebrija's grammar, there is a distinction between the visionary rhetoric of the preface and the body of the work itself. Encina's rules, centered on syllable count, reflect an aural conception of poetry, but also an attempt to apply to poetry those mathematical forms of analysis which make music and geometry part of the quadrivium.

The examples from Mena justify Singles de carroll county md jobs hiring rules see Andrews, —73, nn. As such, study of the "Arte" trains not only poets but also readers who will be properly appreciative of Encina's own work. The chapter on poetic colors is mostly concerned with rules for adapting words to fit the meter, and with complex rhyme schemes. Encina thus emphasizes melopoeic devices, while figures such as metonymy and metaphor are scarcely mentioned, for as they are not unique to poetry, they belong to the more general fields of rhetoric and grammar.

Encina is not ambivalent about the social status of poetry: Yet the very notion of devoting leisure time exclusively to literary pursuits reflects Encina's professional situation and is antithetical to the Singles de carroll county md jobs hiring nobleman's concept of himself.

Moreover, he never seems quite convinced of the superiority of Spanish letters. Spaniards may be, via the Italians, the heirs to Greece and Rome, but they are not really as accomplished; and just as the Romans, at the height of their powers, needed handbooks of poetry and rhetoric, so too the Spanish must have them.

In the treatise Encina attempts to come to terms with the legacy of the past, both antiquity and, more immediately, the Italians. He thus stands at a crux, on the one hand ignoring save for Juan de Mena the poetical accomplishments of medieval Spain, much of them already in print, on the other hand citing Dante and Petrarch as poets from whom the Spanish have learned a great deal.

Yet Encina does not slight traditional Spanish forms, and whatever the influence of Dante and Petrarch may have been, he makes no mention of sonnets.

Indeed, as Rico has shown, the traces of Petrarch in fifteenth-century Spanish poetry are primarily linguistic and decorative, while only Santillana wrote sonnets. Spanish belatedness as a national cultural problem thus arises toward the end of the fifteenth century, and its appearance at that time is related to a number of roughly coinciding developments, including the introduction of printing, national unification and purgation, and greater Spanish intervention in Italy The basic text for Spanish belatedness and alterity is the prologue to Nebrija's Spanish grammar; employing the trope of the translatioNebrija demonstrates how the great civilizations of the past attained their apogee at a moment of peace, when culture also flourished.

He finds contemporary Spain at that point in its military history, but culture lags and deterioration threatens to set in: With his grammar he hopes to redress that lag and perhaps even deliver Spain from the previously inevitable decline.

Nebrija's program is refracted in Encina's "Arte de poesía castellana," in which Encina makes the translatio more pointed by combining it with Greco-Roman and Christian poetics: As each successive generation continues to perceive a cultural inferiority to Italy, the translatiowhich Encina saw occurring in his own day, is successively postponed, and Petrarch's status—for Encina merely proverbial—becomes ever more significant.

Encina tries to elevate the status of poetry by tying it to a theory of aristocratic leisure and associating it with the quantitative study of the quadrivium; while his rules for poets are primarily melopoeic, his conception of literary history opens the way for the transformations of the next years. My approach to Spanish Renaissance lyric is based on an understanding of Renaissance cultural belatedness as elaborated by examining Petrarch and Bembo, and then contextualized by reference to.

These strictly literary determinations are leavened with a consideration of the social and historical environment in which the poetry was written and read. The significance of the social context is strongest in the earlier chapters, which cover the time during which the link between Petrarchism and the Spanish empire is being forged; it diminishes later as that link becomes more and more residual. My emphasis is on those poets who were most self-conscious of the conflicts between their roles as imitators of Petrarch and their desire for national and individual priority.

The historical and theoretical importance of less-canonized poets such as Gutierre de Cetina and Francisco de la Torre is an interesting problem in its own right, but not one that concerns us here.

Other historical and theoretical issues worthy of further discussion but excluded because of their relatively tangential relation to this study are the role of primarily Portuguese poets such as Camoens in the fuller Iberian polysystem; the mystic poets, Fray Luis de León and St. John of the Cross, on whom Petrarchism was an important but secondary influence; and Lope de Vega, whose Petrarchist lyric is not at the center of his literary production.

My approach does however entail a consideration of poetic theory along with poetic texts. Not until the end of the Renaissance did poetic theory attain in Spain the status of an autonomous discourse see Terracini, Lingua—25and systematic preceptive poetics were antithetical to the courtly aesthetics associated with Petrarchism in Spain see Elias Rivers, "L'humanisme linguistique" and chapter 2, below.

Most often, Petrarchist poetic theory was expressed in the form of paratexts on the poetry itself, particularly prefaces and commentaries, and nearly all of the poets I consider either wrote such paratexts or were the objects of others' paratextual production. By using Curtius and Bloom to elaborate a theory of cultural belatedness, we not only apply twentieth-century theory to early mod.

Bloom, a close reader of Curtius, whose work he calls "the best study of literary tradition I have ever read" Map32considers belatedness a "recurrent malaise of Western consciousness" 77 and distinguishes psychopoetic belatedness from the cultural belatedness of the Renaissance 77— To Bloom, "reading, when active and interesting, is not less aggressive than sexual desire, or than social ambition, or professional drive" Breaking13as the act of reading forces a confrontation over the lack of priority, particularly on poets who are in competition with their predecessors.

Yet while the romantic poets on whom Bloom concentrates could attempt to disguise their predecessors, Renaissance poets had canons that determined their models, and as a result compounded their psychopoetic and cultural belatedness.

The applicability of Bloom's theory to Renaissance literature is controversial; the Freudian terms of his analysis are often rejected on grounds resembling Greene's, that the humanist poet is not a neurotic son in an Oedipal struggle with predecessors 41; for comment on Greene see Cruz, Imitación7—9. For me Bloom himself serves a heuristic purpose, which brings several advantages.

The first is that his once-exotic critical terms have passed into common use, allowing one to describe Petrarch's belatedness the section on Bembo and Petrarch, aboveGarcilaso's metalepsis chapter 3Quevedo's clinamen chapter 5and the like by analogy, without positing a pathological diagnosis.

Second, Bloom's theory of poetic agon resonates in two important directions. One of them is what Pigman calls eristic imitation or emulation, in which "the model, without whose help any progress is impossible.

While Pigman makes a good case for the presence of three kinds of imitation in the theorists he studies, only agonistic emulation held out, for Spaniards, the possibility of surpassing Italian hegemony. Bloom's theory also resonates with Bakhtin's investigation of the relation between imitation and polyphony. Development of a Bakhtinian approach to the lyric has been somewhat stymied by the Russian theorist's conception of lyric poetry as a "straightforward" genre, incapable of being truly polyphonic Dialogic Imagination49—50; see also Todorov, 63— But in Problems of Dostoevsky's PoeticsBakhtin, while not specifically addressing the question of lyric poetry, takes up the question of how imitation can lead to polyphony or intertextuality.

To Bakhtin, mere stylization or nonagonistic imitation of the type recognizable by a specialist does not make a discourse polyphonic Problems singles de carroll county md jobs hiring, — Bakhtin goes on to explain how this is different from ordinary imitation, wherein the other's voice, while taken seriously, is not heard as an other but is merged with the author's own voice. The second voice, once having made its home in the other's discourse, clashes hostilely with its primordial host and forces him to serve directly opposing aims.

In parody therefore, there cannot be that fusion of voices possible in stylization. Bakhtin limits polyphony to what he calls parody, but as Linda Hutcheon notes, the historical phenomenon that most closely and most consistently approximates theoretical parody is Renaissance imitation, which, like parody, "offered a workable and effective stance toward the past in its paradoxical strategy of repetition as a source of freedom.

Its incorporation of another work as a deliberate and acknowledged construct is structurally similar to parody's formal organization" Admittedly the relationship among Bloom's notion of poetic agon, Renaissance ideas about emulation, and the.

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